I also think there was something Bates said the other day, cant remember if
it was his Tuesday Yorkshire Radio "interview" or the programme notes, but
he said something about how spending will be different next season.

I am not normally one for the conspiracy stories, but when he said that I
immediately thought that Bates possibly had a plan to spend money on
developing/refurbing the ground over the last 5 years, which may or may not
have been coincidental with the increased payout that would have been due
had we got promoted back to the prem in that time.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think he was deliberately NOT wanting promotion
- I just think he was happy to divert significant money to ground
development over that time and if we got promoted it would be a massive

I thought, therefore, that next season may see a significant bump up in the
transfer/wages kitty - still no guarantee of promotion obviously, but enough
to give Warnock (and Grayson) a fighting chance.  I think the 2 main reasons
Grayson was sacked was first that he came out and, out of frustration,
mentioned "financial constraints" - which would heap hassle on the board and
Bates and also be annoying because Grayson would have known he was up for
getting more money next season.  Second reason would be that he wasn't
demonstrating an ability to make the most of the money he was getting,
primarily the wages of senior players who had no chance of playing in the
first team - he should have moved them on.

Could be a load of bollox, but those were my initial thoughts when he said
that, and also I think Warnock would have been seeking some assurances re:
funding as at QPR they had some rich owners.

-----Original Message-----
From: leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org [mailto:leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org] On
Behalf Of Ian Murray
Sent: 19 February 2012 13:03
To: Richard Naef
Cc: <leedslist@gn.apc.org>
Subject: Re: [LU] Link to Colin's interview

Good interview! Seems like Warnock wants us to play with Becchio leading the

I am optimistic, I think he can turn us round and we can go on a run. 

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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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