I've decided to upgrade Drury's score to 8. I thought he was really solid today

Sent from my iPad

On 1 Sep 2012, at 22:31, Richard Walker <richleed...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Mmmm ... Difficult one. I was looking at Peltier when the second went in, his 
> head was down and he looked defeated . I suppose given he was at fault for 
> both he probably wasn't feeling too good. Tom Lees was jeeing people on. I 
> think you're looking at Pearce, Norris, Lees ( too young? ) or how about 
> Diouf'. I know that might sound ridiculous but he does an awful lot of 
> directing , pointing etc. ?? And has a great awareness of the pitch. He did 
> get involved with the Blackburn fans at one point who soon turned on him.
> Paddy Kenny is another option but then there's an argument about keepers 
> being captain ?
> Maybe Peltier will come good, he looked very shaky though and looks like a 
> quiet sort of bloke.
> Sent from my iPad
> On 1 Sep 2012, at 22:22, Andy Clayton <andyclayto...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do we have a captain Rich?
>> Sent from my iPhone.
>> On 1 Sep 2012, at 22:12, Richard Walker <richleed...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>> It was brilliant mate - not much good football but we steamrolled them. I 
>>> think if we keep that up we certainly won't be losing 10 games at home this 
>>> time around.
>>> I am worried about the squad depth - I mean Macca and Becchio are certs at 
>>> the mo - who is challenging them ? 
>>> I think we will rack up the suspensions though playing at that level. 
>>> Austin deffo will be the first to get a suspension.
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 1 Sep 2012, at 21:32, Andy Pyzer <andypy...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks Rich, listened to game but waited for your match report - seems to 
>>>> me having only seen teh Wolves game on TV and heard all the rest on the 
>>>> radio that we still have defensive issues, Austin seems to be in charge in 
>>>> midfield but i worry about his discipline, I reckon he will get a few 
>>>> headers at corners this year though. Diouf has been class throughout and 
>>>> the game I watched you can see he has that extra 2 or 3 seconds to think 
>>>> on the ball. 
>>>> It is a worry that the 2 football teams played us off the park in 
>>>> Blackpool and Blackburn.. I guess a few more teams like that in this 
>>>> league. Still ... no losses at ER so far and could easily have been a win 
>>>> from what I heard.
>>>> Watched the Blackpool Leicester game.. pool were not allowed to play.. 
>>>> Beckford was greedy when he came on but has the speed... guess we need a 
>>>> fast boy up front. 
>>>> Will we survive until January?
>>>> Thanks for report, Andy
>>>>> Date: Sat, 1 Sep 2012 21:20:44 +0100
>>>>> From: richleed...@yahoo.co.uk
>>>>> To: leedslist@gn.apc.org
>>>>> Subject: [LU] Blackburn
>>>>> This
>>>>> was a brilliant game, a full blooded affair which see sawed back and
>>>>> forth. First thing to say is that Blackburn were a class apart on the
>>>>> ball especially in the first half in which they ripped us apart time
>>>>> and time again. They quickly raced into a 2-0 lead both goals coming
>>>>> down their left. I've just ruffled a few feathers on Twitter
>>>>> (Richleedsuk) by asking Peltier whether he was at fault or was he
>>>>> exposed through lack of cover. He replied saying it didn't matter ,
>>>>> it was the way they came back that was important. Can't argue with
>>>>> that but you have to wonder whether our defensive frailities may
>>>>> still be there. 
>>>>> When
>>>>> that 2nd goal went in people all around me were saying that this was
>>>>> going to be an embarrassment. I couldn't disagree and was beginning
>>>>> to think about the long season ahead. It was reality kicking in, a
>>>>> premiership team against a cobbled together set of misfits most of
>>>>> them from a team that got relegated. How stupid were we ? How daft to
>>>>> doubt at a Neil Warnock team , they were never going to rollover.
>>>>> I
>>>>> think sticking Diouf on the right wing didn't work. He was drifting
>>>>> inside as it is in his nature to try and get the ball when he sees
>>>>> the front 2 struggling. This left large gaps which were exposed
>>>>> every time they broke. This led to both their goals. Our main problem
>>>>> was a lack of movement up front and when the ball was played through
>>>>> the ball was inevitably given away, the main culprit being Becchio
>>>>> who won hardly anything in the air and when given to his feet he
>>>>> unbelievably at times just gave it away. One time on the right, he
>>>>> cut inside and with white shirts everywhere he found the only dark
>>>>> shirt. Amazing quality,
>>>>> In
>>>>> fact, Becchio's heading ability is so poor that all long balls are
>>>>> now aimed at Varney who is head and shoulders above Becchio in the
>>>>> air.
>>>>> So
>>>>> how did we get back into it ? Well, we increased our work rate and
>>>>> just got stuck in. We won a few free kicks in dangerous positions and
>>>>> started to pile on the pressure through long balls into the area.
>>>>> They began to flap, especially Robbo in nets who was awful. When at
>>>>> Leeds I thought he was the equal of Nigel Martyn when it came to shop
>>>>> stopping but he was always week coming for crosses and commanding his
>>>>> area. Nothing has changed , he flapped time and time again and the
>>>>> Blackburn defence began to creak. On one such occasion , we got lucky
>>>>> and the ball fell to Diouf who poked it in. We then began to believe. 
>>>>> From
>>>>> that moment on we steamrolled them, not through beautiful play but
>>>>> from high energy,pressure football. The whole foundation of their
>>>>> team collapsed and we saw more of the ball and began to run the game.
>>>>> Colin instructed Diouf to go get the ball so he was given a free
>>>>> reign, which actually at times saw him playing up front centrally
>>>>> pushing the ineffective Becchio and McCormack out to the right and
>>>>> left. He's a better striker than both of them. 
>>>>> We
>>>>> came out second half full of energy and carried on where we left off.
>>>>> Diouf was at the centre of everything, controlling, passing, holding
>>>>> up play, playing through balls, crossing. A master class to the
>>>>> players around him who just aren't capable of those levels of
>>>>> composure and skill.
>>>>> We
>>>>> were dominating and Blackburn were on the ropes. Norris and Austin
>>>>> upped the pace and were everywhere. Then came the equaliser, a high
>>>>> ball was played through, Becchio sort of went for it in the
>>>>> half-arsed way he does at times , you know the one, he's not really
>>>>> looking to win the header but looking for a foul, the ball missed
>>>>> them both and went through to an unmarked Macca. He took it on and
>>>>> smashed it in the net, a really well taken goal. 
>>>>> There
>>>>> really was only winner from here and we had many chances to bury
>>>>> them. Diouf took complete control and was teasing them with his
>>>>> deceptive skill. Pearce was unlucky to have his goal chalked off for
>>>>> what looked like a 50:50 scrap for the ball and then     Becchio missed a
>>>>> point blank header which was harder to miss, again he managed to pick
>>>>> out the Blackburn man on the line, anywhere else it was a goal.
>>>>> Lethal in the 6 yard box, you're having a laugh. A few mins later and
>>>>> Becchio showed why some people actually think he is lethal in the 6
>>>>> yard box when a ball managed to run right through to him at the near
>>>>> lost. He stooped to prod it towards goal and what really should have
>>>>> been an easy save, turned into another blunder by Robbo has he
>>>>> managed to turn into the net. Becchio's one and only positive
>>>>> contribution to this match .... A big one granted but it wasn't a
>>>>> great goal.
>>>>> We
>>>>> took the lead just a bit too early and with 12 mins to go we stopped
>>>>> dominating and they came into it again. They got a disputed free kick
>>>>> on the left and the resulting attack resulted in the Blackburn player
>>>>> back heeling it all too easily into an empty net. A poor goal. We
>>>>> still had chances to nick it ( as did they) including a sitter for
>>>>> Diouf who was out in within only the keeper to beat. He should have
>>>>> scored. We all gave the team a standing ovation, it was a brilliant
>>>>> match and a great battling performance against a good team. I don't
>>>>> mind watching this week in week out.
>>>>> Scores:
>>>>> Kenny
>>>>> - 6. Did ok, one or two important stops, no chance with the goals.Decent 
>>>>> distribution. 
>>>>> Peltier
>>>>> - 4. Exposed time and time again. Doesn't look like a right back to
>>>>> me.Not captain material, had head down at 2-0 down.
>>>>> Drury
>>>>> - 7. I thought he did well. looked like a capable left back. 
>>>>> Pearce
>>>>> - 7 Very strong at times.
>>>>> Lees
>>>>> - 7. Did well.
>>>>> Austin
>>>>> - 7 In and out of the game but when he was in it he was very
>>>>> commanding.
>>>>> Norris
>>>>> - 7 Little quality but very busy player.
>>>>> Varney
>>>>> - 3 Shite, I'm not impressed, is he a winger, or a striker ? Good in
>>>>> the air.
>>>>> Diouf
>>>>> - 8. On the ball, the best player on the park. I would like him to
>>>>> play either in the hole or up front. Our best player, has signed
>>>>> until Jan now.thats good.
>>>>> Becchio
>>>>> - 3. Absolute garbage, he really is a shite player. The game just
>>>>> passed him by, but his fans will point to another goal. Fair enough
>>>>> keep him in the side. FFS 
>>>>> Macca
>>>>> - 6. Great goal and did try and get things going with Diouf but
>>>>> generally ineffective.
>>>>> The
>>>>> marks above are for attainment - I'd give them all 10 for effort and
>>>>> that's what won us the game.
>>>>> Other
>>>>> things, Robbo got an amazing ovation from the whole ground. He gave
>>>>> the Leeds salute a few times (isn't he an Arsenal fan?)
>>>>> Jordan
>>>>> Rhodes - tidy little player but looked like a young lad in man's game
>>>>> at times.
>>>>> Crowd
>>>>> - looked more than 24k, probably Ken on the fiddle again. Great
>>>>> atmosphere.
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>>>>> PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate
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