>His "nazi salute" is a roman salute that Lazio fans use, nothing to do with
Nazi Germany and long predates that....

The Nazi's appropriated symbols from all over the place - swastika from
India, SS insignia from mystic runes and the Salute possibly from the Romans
- although afaik there is no depiction of it in Roman paintings  The Salute
was definitely used by the fascist Mussolini supporters and it's possible
the Nazi's took it from there.

Di Canio denies he is a fascist and says it's a symbol of his people, but he
has been fined for its use in Italy.  He has a tattoo which could be a
emblem of Mussolini, but might not be.  

Generally IMHO it's still a bit insensitive to use it for any reason and any
reasonable person would use it with caution.  But then the 2nd in line to
the British throne thinks its OK to dress up as the SS and thinks killing
people from a distance is like a computer game.

oh, and Hitler didn't make the trains run on time either.

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