>He could also be part of a long term plan which is what we really need
(unlike Warnock who was only ever a one or at most 2 season >appointment)
and he does seem to like playing proper football (unlike say Mick McCarthy),
something which I never thought would bother >me - I would prefer to win 1 0
than lose 5 4 every week - but the football under Colin when I have left ER
after a victory feeling flat >has changed my mind a bit.
>Anyone know more about Adkins or have any views on him or any other options

Well, it might be wishful thinking, but he does have a touch of the Wilko
about him.  Single Minded, and slightly mad staring eyes.

Of course what is important is what the anagram of his name is, best I have
come up with (with the help of t'internet) is "A Dingles Kin"  If only he
spelt Nigel with 2 L's we could get "Is Elland King"



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