To me he was indicating that Radebe did not know enough about the game, he 
played it by "instinct"...Whatever that is supposed to mean.

 From: Paul Cundell <>
To: 'Nicholas Armit' <> 
Cc: 'Leeds List' <> 
Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2013 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: [LU] Poyet
Not that I can recall, nor did I know that temperament was such an essential
trait for a good manager. 
It would appear the SAFA don't agree with Eddie.
For instance, does Colin have the right temperament or did Reid, Wise or
O'Leary - I mean ffs they all have different temperaments - and none of 'em
have been great managers.
Look at Fergiescum and the Special One.
Not that I'm saying I want Radebe just what the fcuk has temperament got to
do with it.

From: Nicholas Armit [] 
> I really don't know this for sure but Gray was no great shakes as a
manager either was he?
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