(with acknowledgement to SP)

I'm reliably informed that Suárez was deeply unpleasant whilst playing for 
Nacional before leaving Uruguay for the Netherlands. 
Suárez was suspended for seven games whilst at Ajax for biting an opponent.

He almost caused a riot in 2005 whilst playing for Nacional against Liverpool 
(no, not that one. The one in Uruguay that plays in Montevideo in blue and back 
stripes). Liverpool is based in a Montevideo suburb called Control (it's where 
the long distance coach station is now situated and formerly was the control 
point for all entering the city from the north in the 19th century).

Traditionally Control has had a higher level than average of Uruguayans of 
African descent, most of whom are the descendents of slaves who fled from 
Brazil. Uruguay was the first country in the Americas to abolish slavery when 
it declared independence from Brazil in 1825, forty years before it was 
abolished in the USA and five years before Uruguayan independence was finally 
recognised by Brazil and Argentina in 1830.

Liverpool's team usually has 2-4 black players. In this particular match 
Suárez, by the subsequent admission of some of his team-mates was pouring out 
racist invective right from the kick-off until one of his opponents finally 
snapped and decked him. Cue free for all.

All in all, a nasty piece of work.
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