Absolutely right, Betty.  In fact, if I recall the specifics correctly, I first 
met Andy the day after I met you back on Boxing Day 2002 (or thereabouts) at 
the pub before the game against Chelsea.  That was a bit before the release of 
The Tangent's first album…and, we got to be good friends.  I co-managed The 
Tangent for half a decade or so.

A handful of New Opera songs ended up in new versions on Tangent albums…and, if 
I'm not mistaken, a couple of Parallel or 90 Degrees albums as well.

He's a great guy, a brilliant musician….and the album they've got coming out in 
a month or so is absolutely fantastic.

Michael A. Gardiner
110 West “A” Street, Suite 950
San Diego, CA  92101
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On May 11, 2013, at 10:07 PM, 

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On 10/05/2013 17:48, Michael Gardiner wrote:
The Tangent:   The Wiki Man
(excellent new album coming out shortly?)

Who are the brainchild of Andy Tillison from Leeds, anyone remember A
New Opera?  "The White Flag Of Romance" was one of my all time favourite
eighties collections.


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