I decided to come out of my self imposed 'retirement' from away games and join 
my mates for this one - only 25 mins on the train, a few good pubs, a 
comfortable away win on the cards - what could go wrong !!!

The 2 minutes at the end of the whistle when McDermott brought his players out 
to acknowledge the crowd was up there with my worst moments of being a Leeds 
fan - it was very reminiscent of the reaction to Wilko at the end of the Villa 
League cup final (1995 ??). It really was that vitriolic, this was not just the 
normal boos and odd shout, this was years and years of pent up frustration and 
bile aimed at a group of players and manager who 'are not fit to wear the 
shirt' - as we had been singing a few minutes before 'we're shit and we're sick 
of it'
This was the moment when all the post Bates optimism and goodwill towards the 
manager and the owners disintegrated, possibly never to return.
Individual players had come in for criticism from the odd fan during the game, 
more so than usual, with Austin, Smith, Wooton, Murphy, and Pugh being the main 
recipients of the variation " you're shit X , fuck off X, you're not fit to 
play for us" etc etc. McDermott and his tactics or percieved lack of them were 
also brought into question - we even sang 'Brian can we have a sub' early in 
the second half. McDermott was visibly shocked at the end and this seemed to 
stay with him in the post match interview I have just seen with the ITV 
These highlights were a fair reflection of what went on, although in my report 
before watching the highlights (there is a misnomer from our point of view) I 
was going to say that we had one shot on target all game and that brought the 
comment from behind me 'nice back pass Austin' after our captain had scuffed a 
25  yarder straight to the keeper. I had forgotten the 2 headers from Smith 
that were cleared off the line, the only other near miss was the shot from 
McCormack that just curled wide. So in 90+ minutes against a mid table 4th 
Division side (albeit one playing above themselves) we managed 2 headers on 
target but easily dealt with, a scuffed long range shot, and a shot that went 
wide ! Not much to cheer about there. At the other end they had a lot of 
chances, a few shots went just wide, 2 good chances were spurned,Kenny pulled 
off a couple of good saves, and then the 2 goals - first a long deep cross was 
well met by their forward despite there
 being at least 2 mustard (I refuse to call it gold) shirts next to him. This 
came in injury time of the first half when we were all hoping that we could go 
in 0 0 having escaped a beating and could regroup for the second half. The 
second was when the winger was given time and space and picked out a cross to 
the edge of the box where the forward waited in acres of space and picked out a 
sublime side footed volley into the net - a class goal and one he will never 
ever repeat.
So what went wrong ? 
Pre game the various pubs were full of Leeds fans and were buzzing, except the 
Old Roebuck which was full of a group of old Rochdale fans who started singing 
some very odd songs - so both sets of fans were clearly up for it and there was 
an air of quiet optimism among the Leeds fans
We expected there to be changes and were looking forward to seeing Ariyibi 
getting a start and maybe Poleon too to add some much needed pace, We wondered 
if Varney and Tonge would get a recall and we wondered if Cairns would be any 
good in nets. We got to the ground just seconds before kick off and were amazed 
to see Kenny there, even more so when he let Marius take the first goal kick - 
how bad must Cairns be if he could not be trusted yesterday, and if he is that 
bad why do we not have another keeper by now. Then looking round the rest of 
the team it was pretty much business as usual - Wooton on for Lees - a good 
move I thought, Lees is so poor on the ball at times it is painful and I have 
liked the look of Wooton. How wrong was I on this occasion ? Wooton had as poor 
a performance as anyone ever, he was shocking. The other change was Byram for 
Mowatt. Byram especially first half was a shining light - he looked back to his 
real self and within half and
 hour both the full back and the right sided centre half had been booked for 
cynical fouls on him, chopping him down. At least they will have one man sent 
off we thought but instead Byram was moved inside in the second half and lost 
most of his effectiveness.
We never got going, nothing worked, we got pulled out of position, and passes 
went astray and whenever anything good did happen it went wrong. Smith won most 
of his aerial battles but the ball never fell to a mustard shirt - Ross and the 
midfielders need to get on the same wavelength as him (or he them) and the game 
was summed up when Murphy got the ball and went past his man and had time to 
look up and pick his pass - he could have pulled it back to the waiting and 
screaming Ross or he could put a ball to the far post to the waiting Smith - he 
did neither , he played a ball into the middle of the area to absolutely no-one.
The fans tried to remain patient and the booing at half time was subdued with 
most still expecting a draw or maybe a win out of the game, but second half was 
the same and fans really turned when the sub we had been asking for was made, 
not some pace in Ariyibi or Poleon (how bad are things when we want to see 
someone who has done nothing and been released from his last club or a player 
we know is probably not good enough?) and got Noel Hunt. Surprise, surprise the 
introduction of Hunt changed nothing other than Pearce then seemed to find 
himself at left back on a number of occasions.
Then the second goal brought a mass exodus of Leeds fans, with the vast 
majority of those staying to the end, doing so only so they could vent their 
anger and frustration - for the record I trudged off in total silence after the 
final whistle, watching the reception give to McDermott with a mixture of 
disgust and understanding - disgust because we are 'supporters' and are 
supposed to get behind the team and understanding because I felt the same anger 
and embarrassment
 and I know it is the only way of telling them how we feel, so I do not 
criticise those who boo and jeer but I choose not to join in.
I just hope the lad stood behind me has summed up the position correctly when 
he shouted something along the lines of "this is just a ploy by McDermott to 
pretend we are a lot worse than we are so he can get some proper backing in the 
transfer window"
I did not hear any 'McDermott out' shouts or chants but his efforts were called 
into question by individual fans, but with games v Sheff Wed away and top of 
the league Leicester at home to come he needs to turn his (once again) great 
words -"worst I have ever felt etc" into real action or come February his 
position could be in real jeopardy

Wow that was long - must have had a lot to get off my chest , because that game 
does not deserve another minute of my time !!

Happy New Year indeed

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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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