It's true that Krasner and co. got rid of about £60m of debt when they took 
over in 2004, but weren't we still hemorrhaging cash once they took over 
because some of the Ridsdale era contracts didn't expire till 2006 or 2007?  
Weren't we still having to pay huge amounts to Danny Mills, Robbie Fowler, Gary 
Kelly and Seth Johnson, and possibly others? In the Bates era we had to pay 
Johnson £1million to cancel his contract, but I'm sure we were still committed 
to paying huge sums to several others under contracts we couldn't get out of, 
in several cases for some years after they had left the club.

And at the time Krasner sold to Bates at the start of 2005 there was a 
substantial and growing debt to the Inland Revenue, who were threatening to 
wind us up.

None of the above means that I'm a Bates apologist, as I know he went on to do 
a lot of damage himself, but there was certainly still a big problem to be 
dealt with at the time he took over.

Tim W.

 From: Rick Duniec <>
Sent: Thursday, 20 March 2014, 8:54
Subject: Re: [LU] Bates

You have identified one of the great Bates myths where you say "our allegedly 
enormous ongoing debts". 
The Truth is that the vast bulk of the debt had been dealt with by the actions 
of the Krasner group. Bates actually said this himself when he originally 
arrived but that has been swept under the carpet in the convenient mythology. 
The bulk of ongoing debt was in fact football creditors and that debt eroded 
over time as it was paid off. There were some overhanging issues (contingent 
liabilities) but the overhanging debt problem had been largely overcome. That 
is the tragedy of Bates' involvement. He kept the club needlessly mired in the 
pit when it should have been emerging from the darkness. He shifted the blame 
onto Ridsdale and partly in the fans eyes onto Krasner just as he did onto 
Mahwhinney and the FL. It's all lies.
That's also why our recovery has been much slower than at other clubs. Think 
about it. How can we wipe out the debt through administration, have much bigger 
income streams than our rivals and yet still continue wallowing in a financial 
mess ?

That is why a whole new set of creditors was created, as a tool for Bates to 
use to take the club into administration. 
Nobody has ever explained what the money from these new creditors was used for 
and it is to easy for people to assume that it was a carry forward of the 
Ridsdale debt without thinking about it. That is what most of the media do 
today. The truth is that there is very little real connection between the 
Ridsdale debt and the club going into administration under Bates several years 
later. You could even view the debt under Bates as the physical manifestation 
of his milking the club. What else was the money (the new debt) used for ?

It a similar picture the the Plc shares. Your loss of shares when the Plc was 
wound up was nothing to do with the subsequent Krasner or Bates tenures, as you 
rightly say. There is no real connection.
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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