IF Bates were to come back in control of the club then that could really be the 
final nail in the coffin. Unless he has had a personalitly and character 
transplant whereby he comes in, buys (or admits he owns) ER and TA and gives 
them to the club and then spends millions on players, then fans will desert in 
their thousands. A lot of fans used Bates as a reason / excuse (delete as you 
think appropriate) for not coming to games. A number have come back under GFH 
and up until now our attendances have shown a healthy increase. All those fans 
would leave again and I think many more would join the boycott
As it stands our loyalty is being pushed to the absolute limits - most fans who 
are going between now and the end of the season are doing so because they have 
already paid for tickets or because the fun of the match going experience 
outweighs the garbage we see on the pitch


I'm not really sure if Bates is mischief-making - he's hardly going to help the 
Flowers bid with the fans by saying he is involved. 

Or whether he is circling to take control again.

I'd imagine anyone with ownership over Elland Rd or Thorp Arch will have a 
significant advantage if we went into Admin



From: John Lee <bruvvalee...@yahoo.co.uk>
To: Richard Walker <richleed...@yahoo.co.uk>; "leedslist@gn.apc.org" 
Sent: Thursday, 27 March 2014, 11:06
Subject: Re: [LU] Bates rises again

Possibly the most sense Beast has ever spoken?? I don't know about the Flowers 
bid in total, although it was absolutely clear the guy was Leeds through and 
through. I should imagine GFH will be seeking to re-energise any old bid pdq, 
but whether investors are now prepared to see us go into admin and see if they 
can pick us up at rock-bottom prices seems more likely to me!
Isn't today the last day we can lose points this season by going into Admin. 
After today the points deduction will come next season? 
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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