Calling the collective wisdom of the list...

Here's a good one. A friend of mine in India has contacted me to ask if I can 
find a buyer from one of the countries in the west for several parcels of 
surplus land in and around Mumbai. That's a city where the property market is 
booming and land values have increased rapidly over the last few years. 

The land is in some of the best areas of the city and has planning permission 
for residential development. He has promised me a commission of 0.5% of the 
value of any land sale I can arrange, and even that percentage could be a 
decent amount of money with the values he has quoted me for the land.

Do any of you work for a company that deals with international real estate, or 
have any useful contacts?
If anyone can give me some useful advice that leads to a completed sale, I will 
give them a generous gift (once my commission is safely in my bank account).

Tim W.
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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