Don't worry he will be back in charge by Christmas 

Sent from my iPhone

> On 21 Sep 2014, at 08:03, Richard Walker <> wrote:
> He didn't directly say he wanted it but he also didn't say he didn't want 
> itand he said 'I want to manage at some point' and 'I know I can make a 
> difference' and 'I'll do whatever the boss wants , I'm very pro Leeds'
> He also said he hadn't does his rep any harm when asked if there may be other 
> clubs looking at him.
> I think he wants it and wants it desperately. He's got something here . Why 
> give it to someone else ?
>> On 21 Sep 2014, at 05:49, Ian Murray <> wrote:
>> Cheers for the report Rich.
>> Interesting about Redfearn's post match. Does anyone have a link?
>> Feeling really optimistic about us at the minute. 
>> MOT
>> Sent from my iPhone
>>> On 21 Sep 2014, at 1:41, "Richard Walker" <> wrote:
>>> Two great results in a week in two very different games. As expected Town 
>>> came for a draw and I think they frustrated us in what was a pretty turgid 
>>> first half. I've got to be honest, at the time I was frustrated and bored 
>>> by our play. Forward, forward, fucking forward I shouted but we just seemed 
>>> content at times to play square and backward balls. Most things were coming 
>>> through Bianchi and I was doing my nut with him because he was strolling 
>>> around like Glen Hoddle but just playing 5 years back passes every time he 
>>> got the ball.
>>> Then came the goal which completely changed the game. We broke down our 
>>> right and their defender really should have put it in Row Z instead he 
>>> tried to be clever and we ended up getting a very fortunate ricochet which 
>>> gave the ball to Rudy in their area. He still had loads to do and he made 
>>> room for the shot and fired it home. You have to ask questions about 
>>> Smithies and it looked to me like he ducked out of the way of the ball. 
>>> Poor keeping but what a shot from Rudy. I think I would have ducked that 
>>> one.
>>> Town were then forced to try and play a bit and they did cause us a few 
>>> problems but their final ball was as bad as ours was a few games back and 
>>> playing Wells on his own up front was a tactical disaster. I don't think 
>>> Bellusci or Pearce have had an easier target to mark in their careers.  
>>> Wells is definitely not 'fucking shit' as the Leeds fans sang but he cannot 
>>> lead a line on his own and needs someone to do the donkey work so he can 
>>> feed off them. 
>>> As Town started to play , so did we, and there was some good link up play 
>>> mainly down our right with Rudy, Sloth and Antenucci who is growing in 
>>> confidence with every minute he plays. 
>>> With a minute of first half injury time to go we broke with pace ( a real 
>>> feature of our play today). Strange that it was Bellusci and Antenucci 
>>> breaking. Bellusci showed that he is a better player than defender by 
>>> sublimely drawing and chipping the keeper. He deserved a goal but it hit 
>>> the bar and came back kindly to Antenucci who did well to get over the 
>>> bouncing ball and put it in the back of the net , via the bar again I 
>>> think. Game over.
>>> The second half was just fantastic and the best 45 minutes I've had at ER 
>>> for a while. Good atmosphere and a great team display from Leeds. I think 
>>> all the players did their bit, there was no stand out player, it really was 
>>> a full team performance. Our passes were meaningful and progressive 
>>> including Bianchi who really grew into the game and actually did look like 
>>> Glenn Hoddle at times in the second half.
>>> It's been a long time since we can say we have had real pace and work rate 
>>> up front. McCormack, Smith, Becchio all scored goals but none had any pace. 
>>> With this team Town didn't know which way to look, we were coming at them 
>>> from all directions. 
>>> Antenucci was everywhere, Rudy was playing as a 3rd striker, Bianchi was 
>>> pushing balls left, right and centre, Warnock was charging down the left, 
>>> Sloth down the right and at times, Cook had a go too. Everyone in that team 
>>> has a bit of pace, good control and great commitment. There's something 
>>> special happening here I feel and I think they will get better.
>>> The 3rd was all about Doukara who was pretty quiet in the first half. He 
>>> seemed to be playing slightly left which I didn't think suited him. He 
>>> doesn't win much in the air for a big lad and looks a little pedestrian at 
>>> times but when he gets the ball he is very direct. He got the ball cut into 
>>> his right foot and smashed it in the bottom right. A great goal and then he 
>>> got himself booked by taking his shirt off. That's 2 bookings this season 
>>> for that. Brainless. 
>>> Town came forward and in young Bunn on their left they finally had someone 
>>> who could unlock the Leeds defence. He had the beating of Beradi at will 
>>> and because Beradi was on a yellow from a ridiculous red card tackle in the 
>>> first half it was only a matter of time. Redders told Byram to warm up but 
>>> he was indecisive and Beradi did what Beradi does and hacked Bunn down and 
>>> gave the ref no choice. Shit defending and shit management , the only 
>>> criticism I could level at Redfearn in his 4 games.
>>> Down to 10 men only emphasised what great team spirit this team has and if 
>>> anything we were more dominant with 10 men than with 11 and really should 
>>> have gone four ahead when the excellent Antenucci took the ball, ran with 
>>> it as he does, got himself one on one, and placed the ball past Smithies 
>>> into the net, except Smithies got his fingertips to it and pushed it onto 
>>> the post. A very good save from a very average keeper.
>>> In the last 10 minutes we completely controlled the game with 10 men. Byram 
>>> showed how to defend against Bunn and we just continued to push forward 
>>> with Rudy running the show. Bianchi also showed some really good vision 
>>> with his passes. Town did have one or two moments but we defended well and 
>>> were well worth the 3-0 victory.
>>> I really would give the job to Redders.  In his post match interview you 
>>> could tell he wanted the job. It doesn't make sense now to bring in a new 
>>> manager, it just doesn't. 
>>> Scores:
>>> Silvestri - 7 I don't think he's had a save to make all afternoon to be 
>>> honest. Bits and pieces keeping, good kicking. Don't like his time wasting, 
>>> it's just boring to watch.
>>> Beradi - 3. Ridiculous tackle in the first half continuing where he left 
>>> off from Altringham. Is that 3 starts, 2 red cards. He can't defend.
>>> Bellusci - 7. Started poorly and got a yellow card for reckless defending ( 
>>> again), but did brilliantly for the second goal and defended strongly 
>>> second half. He's obviously a decent footballer but I'm not that bothered 
>>> about that when it comes to a centre back.
>>> Pearce - 8 no nonsense defending throughout. Easy job with Wells not 
>>> providing much danger.
>>> Austin - 9. All action, man of the match display, scored a goal, ran 
>>> strongly with the ball, won tackles, started attacks. You have to ask why 
>>> was he so effective at times last season and I think you can only look to 
>>> the players around him particularly Luke Murphy, who can't even get in the 
>>> squad now. In this team everyone is working for each other and there's 
>>> always a white shirt available. he's not having to do everything and can 
>>> get forward when he wants. He looks a yard quicker and stronger than 
>>> everyone on the pitch. I would have sold him in the Summer !!!
>>> Cook. 8. Did all the unspectacular stuff really well.  He's busy, he covers 
>>> the ground , gets the tackles in and with the ball he keeps it simple and 
>>> effective, just a great little player, didn't do as much moving forward 
>>> today but he didn't need to. This lad typifies this team. 
>>> Bianchi - 9. Ok, I think I got this one wrong. This lad can pass and he 
>>> also is now showing a real presence on the pitch. He can tackle, win 
>>> headers and showed today has vision that is beyond your average 
>>> championship player. A great performance.
>>> Sloth - 7. I thought he did well, he looks fitter, he looks good on the 
>>> ball and like the others always makes himself available. It was a really 
>>> strong four in midfield today.
>>> Antenucci - 9. This guy is fantastic. I think I gave him a 3 for his last 
>>> home performance but what a transformation. He controls the ball dead , the 
>>> turns sharply and runs with he ball. He has skill and pace and now a couple 
>>> of goals to his name. Very busy player, just what you need in this league.
>>> Doukara - 7. I thought at times he looks the odd man out because he's not 
>>> as mobile as the others and his play is not natural and sometimes he looks 
>>> a tad pedestrian. However, he does use the ball intelligently and some of 
>>> his passing it pretty good. His best assert though is his directness in 
>>> front of goal.
>>> Subs: 
>>> Byram - 7 thought he did very well with Dunn when he came on. Too good to 
>>> be sat on the bench.
>>> Tonge - didn't touch the ball.
>>> Redders - 9 ( 1 off for not subbing Beradi).
>>> Sky bet challenge - money for old rope, what a joke.
>>> Good crowd , great atmosphere. Not heard the Kop so loud for a while. The 
>>> Town fans were very quiet second half and a lot had gone at the final 
>>> whistle. 
>>> So we await the new manager. I just wouldn't appoint one.
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>>> Rest In Peace old lad
>>> 28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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