Leeds Inter Lard

Well, if the expression `No Pain-no gain!' is true, my body would indicate that I've just won the World Cup single-handed yesterday - I ache like a b***ard!!

So, to the highlights. First game and a 2-0 victory courtesy of goals from Sean Gaffney, a close range header from a long throw by moi, the second by Ade Thompson in a goalmouth scramble following a corner. Solid performance from the Lards - Vinny and Sean commanding in midfield and with Simon Hart and the immovable objects that are Jon Abbott and Mike Eslea in central defence, we never looked like losing! We also had an excellent goalie in James Tinman Lawson!

Bring on the Arse - in truth we struggled in this one. We couldn't get a grip of the midfield and their use of the wind to hoik it down our left flank caused us all sorts of problems, with only some resolute defending saving us. However, the tide turned some 4 minutes from the end when their keeper, with a peculiar red-coloured hair which had prompted `he's got a strawberry on his head' throughout the game, failed to hold a Vinny shot and Rob Gray pounced from two yards out! Worst aspect of the game was Simon Hart being injured and out for the rest of the tournament - we missed him badly!

And then it was Scum. As Scum had scored more goals than us in winning their two games, we had to beat them - a draw was no good! Well on the whole this tournament was played in an excellent spirit, but to say there was an edge to this one was the understatement of the day! Some crunchingly effective tackling saw our Mancunian foes halted time and again. I got the `one more time and your off' from the ref, but pride of place was taken by Andy Hoskyns by an above the knee dreadfully late hard whack at a passing Scummer - he was dutifully booked (if I'd been reffing I'd have sent him off!) - the only player to be booked on the day, although to be fair, the standard of referring was variable! Anyway, supported by a vast crowd, including practically ALL the other clubs present, the Lards pressed on until, in another goalmouth scramble 3 minutes from time Ade Thompson somehow got the ball in their net!

Bedlam ensued, with a full scale pitch invasion by supporters and players of ALL teams - Scum must have felt VERY alone! I even saw the Villa goalkeeper doing a huge belly-flop a la Klinnsman in the box - madness! The next 3 minutes seemed like half an hour! Then disaster, they got a free kick just outside our box with about a minute to go! Breath was held, as indeed were plums in our wall - the cocky git chipped it over us, plums were unclenched as James punched the ball over the bar, only for a Scummer to claim he'd been pushed! But, no dice from the ref! Voice's head met the corner and then it was all over. Another pitch invasion and off we went with `1-0, we beat the Scum 1-0' ringing in our ears. This was our final and we'd won!

Sitting around for an hour or so, having been sizzled by a scorching sun all day, did little for us, and our game against QPR in the semi resulted in a 6-1 defeat. A little harsh, especially as 3 of their goals were top corner specials that could've gone anywhere. Boro did everyone a favour by beating them 1-0 in the final! And when the ref, our own Jon Abbot, disallowed a QPR goal for offside on the advice of the linesman, our own Simon Tobias, there was much satisfaction for us all!!

Finally, I'd like to thank Voice for yesterday - I certainly wouldn't want to do it again for a while but I think everyone enjoyed the occasion, the organisation was as flawless as maybe it was possible to be (although the medal inscriptions of Euronet Space 96 winners probably peeved him no end!) AND we beat the Scum in a game that really mattered. Nice one Dave - I hope your young 'un has recovered from the trauma of seeing you have your head shaved too?


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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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