I see there have been discussions on various forum about what kind of reception 
he will get tomorrow and even an interview  with him about itPersonally I have 
no feelings either way and will not criticise those who boo or those who cheer 
him. He did well for us for the most part and played a big part in keeping us up
However what will really f*ck me off and really gets on my nerves would be if 
he scores and does not celebrate. Of course I hope he has a stinker and does 
not score but if he does I hope he goes for it big style. 
All this 'I did not celebrate out of respect for my old fans' is the biggest 
con and insult in the game
If you care that much about a club - stay there - SIMPLEIf your career / bank 
balance means you need to move on, ok, I get it, fair enough, but put it in 
your contract that you will not play against your old team or have an 'injury' 
on the day.The kudos given to Chelsea 'legend' Frank Lampard for not 
celebrating was totally nauseating - bloke started his career at West Ham and 
was a 'Hammer' growing up - he chose to leave Chelsea and chose to go to Man 
City and play against them so when he scores he owes it to his new fans and 
team-mates to enjoy it and celebrate. AS for Robbie Keane - more clubs than 
Jack Nicklaus - I am surprised he was able to celebrate any goal by the end of 
his career !It is a PR stunt / gimmick and really sickens me - if you don't 
want to score then don't score -it  is an insult to your new team and fans and 
does not show your old fans respect it is bollox 
So Ross - IF (and I hope you don't) you score, celebrate with your new team and 
their handful of fans and I will be Ok with it, score and don't celebrate and I 
for one will give you dogs abuse
Rant over
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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