To answer the question about why Lonegran didn't get a red card. Byram knocked 
the ball quite wide as he went past him, so if he hadn't been fouled he would 
have had a narrow angle to shoot from once he'd caught up with the ball. There 
was also a defender racing back who could have blocked a shot on the line.

So the referee was entitled to rule that it wasn't a clear goalscoring 
opportunity. The words 'last man' don't appear anywhere in FIFA's guideline on 
this rule, the referee has to assess each situation and there is no hard and 
fast rule that a 'last man' has to be sent off.

Otherwise, I think your report is excellent.

Tim W.

 From: "" <>
To: leeds list <> 
Sent: Saturday, 10 January 2015, 21:52
Subject: [LU] Bolton

I forgot just how much I miss going to away games! Even though I was drinking 
in Manchester , in pubs I have been in before. Train from Oxford Road to 
Horwich Parkway was full of Leeds and was a good atmosphere, a few songs and 
that sense of anticipation that only away games have. Like most the team 
selection had us thinking , and we decided that we had probably come for a 
draw, something that may well have been the case, but after a few  minutes the 
win was on. In our first attack Byram was through on the keeper and was almost 
bound to score when the keeper brought him down. From our seats (stood up) 
towards the back of the top tier it was a 100% penalty,and a red card surely ? 
I am not quite sure what the ref thought happened but he pointed to the spot 
but did not get his cards out. Did he really think it was an accidental foul ? 
Nothing else would be correct, if it was a foul then a penalty was correct, but 
given that Byram was clear on goal and the
 keeper was this new fangled 'last man' thing then how could it not be a red ? 
Anyway in the event Rudy stepped up and hammered it home with aplomb. So 1 up 
after 5 minutes. The rest of the half was pretty much rubbish, two poor teams 
playing badly in poor conditions. We had one good chance when a great cross 
into the box found Morison unmarked but he decided to fall on his knees and 
headed into the keepers arms - he should have done miles better. At the other 
end we defended with a mixture of skill, luck and detetmination, which coupled 
with their poor play meant that we went into half time still one up. Could I 
have picked a great game to come 'out of retirement' for and see an away win. 
No chance, 5 minutes into the second half and we hit the self destruct button 
yet again. A cross into the box, Silvestre decided to punch rather than catch 
it and the ball ended up on the edge of our box, next thing the ref had blown 
and from nothing, they got a
 penalty. Not sure who had done what, I have since heard it was Murphy who gave 
it away, but whatever the case it was  a penalty from a non threatening 
situation (bit the same as the Warnock one v Ipswich?) and bang went the lead. 
The rest of the half was 2 rubbish teams trying not to lose. We had slightly 
the better of things but never really looked like getting the second goal we 
needed. On a few occasions we did things right until the final ball or shot 
which went badly astray. Our lack of belief showed itself to me when on 90 mins 
we had a free kick on the edge of their box. Normally the crowd would have been 
up for it, thinking that this was it this was our chance to win. Instead there 
was a bit of half hearted chanting and a bit of false optimism. Those thinking 
'nothing to see here' were proved correct as it all fizzled out. We did have a 
couple of decent chances in the second half, Byram putting it into the side 
netting the best of them.So how
 did this new team and formation go ? Well the one point was the least we 
deserved. A point would have been Ok  pre kick off but getting a goal in the 
first minute , meant that really we should have won.We set ourselves out for 
the one point and we did keep their chances to a minimum and did have a few 
half chances at the other end. Bolton were awful and if this is their normal 
standard they will go down -  this is for certain.As for us, Morison is not the 
answer - he had a few good flick ons but never really linked up with anyone and 
most came to nothing, We could have played another 90 minutes and he still 
would not have looked like having a proper shot !Taylor - I forgot he was 
playing - did Ok and was never a liability but offered nothing going forward 
either. Does not deserve dropping but did not do enough to warrant keeping his 
place eitherBerardi - same as Taylor - should not be dropped per se but only 
keep him if it suits usAustin - typical
 Rudy, did bits which makes me think 'don't send him to Millwall' then next 
minute 'I will pay his train fare myself' - he does have something to offer but 
cannot be relied onMurphy - played well for the most part , tried to do things, 
tried the 'killer ball' and did well, on the other hand he gave it away too 
often and his killer ball was not in the right place (weather was not condusive 
to long passingByram - like many I have thought he would be better in midfield 
than at right back and it is worth another go. He provided cover for Beradi and 
did create things going forward BUT he is not really a right winger either and 
his crossing and final ball was poor at times.Overall this was 2 points thrown 
away against awful opposition but I would go with this team (maybe Sharp for 
Morison) and formation for the next away game - set up for one point with a 
chance of all threeOverall , despite the poor game I loved the day out and 
can't wait to travel away again
 (Wigan here I come)The drink and drugs have blurred both my judgement and my 
memory so treat all the above with some scepticism Dave
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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