I rest my case, m'lud.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 3:30 AM, Dr Michael Benjamin <m...@myray.com> wrote:

> Well you complete moron, there is a difference of opinion about what was
> said, even a hearing. But don't let that interfere with your polemics. If
> you hadn't noticed he is Black and not Jewish so I imagine it would be hard
> to make that mistake.
> But the whole business about 'tap in' and your puerile fantasies that you
> are now a footballer that is the whole point isn't it. We are in
> competition. You incessantly and with no exception eagerly defame and pick
> on Israel. You trot around the Arab countries adding your gormless
> superficial take on everything Israel does and has done.You do your own
> little bit to make a bad situation impossible. Even when here almost next
> door to me, on being offered an invitation you pointedly didn't answer.
> This makes you a first class ignoramus.I have many a talk with our
> antagonists. That is possible but not with later day, self styled Lawrence
> Of Arabia wannabe like yourself. By the way we, Jews and Arabs talk of
> 'useful idiots like you' - they have nothing but deep contempt for you and
> your like.  They know, as we all do, that your grasp on the situation is
> shallow and you are completely untrustworthy. But that is really not my
> problem.
> My problem is superficial Jew haters think that they can camouflage
> themselves as proponents of some noble cause and vent their spleen on
> Israel . None of the criteria used to clobber Israel are applied to anyone
> else or anywhere else. You are silent about Assad and ISIL. Your hypocrisy
> knows no boundaries and your shame is non existent.
> Pretend that you are Becchio but best know who you really are. A neo- Nazi
> Israeli baiter pretending not to be fascist anti-Semites.
> We said never again and say it time after time to people like you. Why do
> I want freedom of speech. So that we can hear you. So that we can tell you.
> If you are genuine, and you are not then treat everyone as you treat us.
> Demand from everyone as you demand from us. Do it in the Arab capitals that
> you troll around. Be the big freedom fighter - tell them about any of the
> PC crap you spot which is  only applicable to Israel in your eyes.
> You won't be a Becchio compatible, you'll be a Haigh one.
> You have nothing to add here.  Go home to the UK and have a love in with
> Galbraith.
> Dr Michael Benjamin,
> Community Psychiatrist
> -------------------------------
> myRay: On-line Self-Help CBT
> http://www.myRay.com
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> On 5 February 2015 at 16:22, Rob Heath <rhe...@hkis.edu.hk> wrote:
>> I would probably be better off keeping quiet, my good doctor, because you
>> condemn yourself with your wild ranting much more eloquently than I could
>> ever do.
>> However, I am a bit like Luciano Becchio...........I can't resist a
>> 6-yard tap-in. So I will point out that there is, I believe, just a
>> smidgeon of a contradiction in your profession of love for free speech,
>> given that you cannot refrain from heaping totally unwarranted calumny upon
>> me simply because I once spoke critically of Israel..............or
>> whatever it was that I said many years ago that set you off (I can't
>> actually remember.)
>> May I also ask you this: you seem to be saying that it was Bellusci's
>> right to be able to call the Ipswich player " a black twat" ( or whatever
>> he was supposed to have said)..........so would it be an equally jolly and
>> blameless manifestation of your precious free speech if the Ipswich player
>> had been, say, Tal Ben Haim, and he had called him "a Jewish twat"?
>> On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 5:25 PM, Dr Michael Benjamin <m...@myray.com>
>> wrote:
>>> i can't stand the puerile twat. Why beat about the bush?
>>> But you are probably right.
>>> TBH I prefer freedom of speech no matter what. I prefer that as the
>>> lesser evil over having sanctimonious twats like Heath deciding anything.
>>> Speech is only free when people  can say what you don't want to hear.
>>> The minute you curtail it no matter what the reason someone else comes
>>> along with a reason that seems fine by him.  What that moron found to quote
>>> from God only knows. I have always maintained freedom of speech as an
>>> absolute. But when you have a rigid knee jerk neo-anti-Semitic take on life
>>> as that cunt has then its not important what you say. Nothing gets beyond
>>> his protocols of elder Zion mind-set cum shield. But wait a minute he only
>>> objects to Israel-- that makes it Kosher or should I say Halal ?
>>> If you talk about restraint let's see if the pithy pontificator can keep
>>> his mouth shut wrt me. I cannot wrt him.
>>> Dr Michael Benjamin,
>>> Community Psychiatrist
>>> -------------------------------
>>> myRay: On-line Self-Help CBT
>>> http://www.myRay.com
>>> http://www.myRay.org
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>>> http://www.MyDoctorExplains.com/alamo/
>>> --------------------------------
>>> Blog:
>>> http://www.DrMichaelBenjamin.com
>>> On 5 February 2015 at 11:09, John Lee <bruvvalee...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> I'm afraid Dr Mike, that Rob is quite correct on this occasion. You
>>>> can't turn off the racist argument when it suits!
>>>> For what it's worth, whilst Rob's post was clearly written in a style
>>>> designed to take maximum p*ss in a parliamentary style, (and he hit the
>>>> bullseye) you need to let this go.
>>>> If you can't handle his posts, don't read them!
>>>> I thought it was something of a masterful p*ss take - your reply is
>>>> kind of nuts!
>>>> Bellusci - if he's guilty I hope he won't play for Leeds again. On
>>>> talent alone I don't think he's good enough anyway. And poster boy he
>>>> definitely ain't, although if that's what rocks your boat :-)
>>>>  ------------------------------
>>>>  *From:* Dr Michael Benjamin <m...@myray.com>
>>>> *To:* Rob Heath <rhe...@hkis.edu.hk>
>>>> *Cc:* leeds list <leedslist@gn.apc.org>
>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, 5 February 2015, 5:13
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [LU] Bellusci charge
>>>> It is indeed hard to follow. But here's why.
>>>> Its because of a deep loathing of closet fascist prigs like you. I
>>>> prefer
>>>> the words of a wrong placed curse to the thought Police PC buggers who
>>>> hi-jack causes to express their own rigid world views and intolerance.
>>>> You dress all your sanctimonious claptrap in a antithesis of all that
>>>> you
>>>> are. In your case an intolerant  knee jerk neo-anti-Semite. Which Arab
>>>> state are crawling around now?
>>>> How many times have you been tod DO NOT ADDRESS ME. I can't stand you, I
>>>> won't leave you unanswered-- and no one on this list gives a flying fuck
>>>> what you or I think.
>>>> So just knock it off. Don't react to me and ~I won't react to you. It is
>>>> really simple- if you could just overcome your knee jerk baiting. Count
>>>> to
>>>> ten, play with your jackboots, take out your collection of Hitler Youth
>>>> pin
>>>> ups-- do anything to distract yourself till the urge passes.
>>>> Dr Michael Benjamin,
>>>> Community Psychiatrist
>>>> -------------------------------
>>>> myRay: On-line Self-Help CBT
>>>> http://www.myRay.com <http://www.myray.com/>
>>>> http://www.myRay.org <http://www.myray.org/>
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>>>> http//www.MyDoctorExplains.com
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>>>> Auditing || Quality Control
>>>> http://www.MyDoctorExplains.com/alamo/
>>>> <http://www.mydoctorexplains.com/alamo/>
>>>> --------------------------------
>>>> Blog:
>>>> http://www.DrMichaelBenjamin.com <http://www.drmichaelbenjamin.com/>
>>>> On 5 February 2015 at 02:08, Rob Heath <rhe...@hkis.edu.hk> wrote:
>>>> > It is indeed odd that our esteemed colleague Dr. Benjamin, who in the
>>>> past
>>>> > has proven himself to be so sensitive to perceived racism that he has
>>>> > accused listers (OK, one lister) of anti-semitism without an iota of
>>>> > justification, should now dismiss allegedly blatant racial abuse in
>>>> such a
>>>> > cavalier fashion.
>>>> >
>>>> > I hope that Mike, Jeremy and Nick have not received the offlist
>>>> barrage of
>>>> > foul abuse which the good doctor likes to inflict on his perceived
>>>> critics.
>>>> >
>>>> > On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 1:30 AM, Nick <n...@6haroldplace.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > > yeah, unsurprisingly I agree with Jeremy and Mike A - being against
>>>> > racism
>>>> > > is not a crusade any more than being against anti-semitism
>>>> is…there’s
>>>> > just
>>>> > > right and wrong.
>>>> > >
>>>> > >
>>>> > > > On 4 Feb 2015, at 16:32, Jeremy Adams <jeremyadam...@hotmail.com>
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Agree with Mike A here, if he did say something racist he has no
>>>> place
>>>> > > on the team I don't care how good he is, I don't want to support
>>>> him. If
>>>> > he
>>>> > > was accused of anti-semitic sentiments wouldn't you be upset Dr.
>>>> Mike?
>>>> > > > Best,
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > > Jeremy
>>>> > > >
>>>> > > >> From: mikel...@googlemail.com
>>>> > > >> CC: jeremyadam...@hotmail.com; leedslist@gn.apc.org
>>>> > > >> Subject: Re: [LU] Bellusci charge
>>>> > > >> Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2015 10:24:41 -0500
>>>> > > >> To: m...@myray.com
>>>> > > >>
>>>> > > >> Err sorry Mike you're wrong. When I take my friends mixed race
>>>> kids to
>>>> > > the football I'd to enjoy an atmosphere where racist words aren't
>>>> > > acceptable. I don't think there is anything 'PC' about that.
>>>> > > >>
>>>> > > >> Regards Mike A.
>>>> > > >>
>>>> > > >> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> > > >>
>>>> > > >>> On 4 Feb 2015, at 10:13, Dr Michael Benjamin <m...@myray.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > > >>>
>>>> > > >>> So much cringeworthy PC garbage. Who gives a fuck one way or
>>>> another
>>>> > > he's
>>>> > > >>> here to play football not be a poster boy in a crusade.
>>>> > > >>>
>>>> > > >>> Dr Michael Benjamin,
>>>> > > >>> Community Psychiatrist
>>>> > > >>> -------------------------------
>>>> > > >>> myRay: On-line Self-Help CBT
>>>> > > >>> http://www.myRay.com <http://www.myray.com/>
>>>> > > >>> http://www.myRay.org <http://www.myray.org/>
>>>> > > >>> ------------------------------
>>>> > > >>> Mental Health:
>>>> > > >>> http//www.MyDoctorExplains.com
>>>> > > >>> --------------------------------
>>>> > > >>> Auditing || Quality Control
>>>> > > >>> http://www.MyDoctorExplains.com/alamo/
>>>> <http://www.mydoctorexplains.com/alamo/>
>>>> > > >>> --------------------------------
>>>> > > >>> Blog:
>>>> > > >>> http://www.DrMichaelBenjamin.com
>>>> <http://www.drmichaelbenjamin.com/>
>>>> > > >>>
>>>> > > >>>> On 4 February 2015 at 16:35, Jeremy Adams <
>>>> > jeremyadam...@hotmail.com>
>>>> > > wrote:
>>>> > > >>>>
>>>> > > >>>> SO Bellusci's hearing is tomorrow. If he really did say
>>>> something
>>>> > > racist I
>>>> > > >>>> say kick him out. However, being Leeds, it's hard not to feel
>>>> he's
>>>> > > going to
>>>> > > >>>> get charged regardless of what he actually said.
>>>> > > >>>>
>>>> > > >>>>
>>>> > >
>>>> >
>>>> http://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/sport/leeds-united/latest-whites-news/leeds-united-bellusci-racism-charge-to-be-heard-tomorrow-1-7087889
>>>> > > >>>>
>>>> > > >>>> Jeremy
>>>> > > >>>>
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>>>> > > >>>> John 'Grampa' Sykes
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>>>> > > >>>> 28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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>>>> > > >>> John 'Grampa' Sykes
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>>>> > > > John 'Grampa' Sykes
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>>>> > > > 28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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>>>> > > John 'Grampa' Sykes
>>>> > > Rest In Peace old lad
>>>> > > 28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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>>>> > John 'Grampa' Sykes
>>>> > Rest In Peace old lad
>>>> > 28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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>>>> John 'Grampa' Sykes
>>>> Rest In Peace old lad
>>>> 28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013
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John 'Grampa' Sykes
Rest In Peace old lad
28th Oct 1938 - 12 Nov 2013

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