Well the Welsh team were rubbish but we WON, at HOME, on a Tuesday NIGHT , 
against CARDIFF and boy, did the 17k diehards who turned up enjoy it. The 
atmosphere at the end was as if we had won a trophy not just a fairly 
meaningless run of the mill league game.I had an awful journey - train very 
late, very overcrowded and got later and later. Instead of getting drunk I only 
met my mates in the Pavilion for a couple of pints. Got there in time to hear 
Lorimer say he could not see us keeping a clean sheet but going for a 2 1 win. 
This was also the view of Terry Yorath who had all the fans in there clapping 
and cheering when he said he was not sure about the manager but we were going 
nowhere with Cellino in charge.Then to make matters worse I heard that Wooton 
was right back, Bellusci in the centre and that Murphy was starting. All 3 of 
them (and most of the other 8) had me eating my words - Wooton and Bellusci 
(alongside the impressive Cooper) did not put a foot wrong and Murphy played 
probably his best game for us - certainly the first hour, when, for once, not 
only did he spray the ball around but he even imposed himself on the game and 
dictated play. He was ably assisted in midfield by Cook and Mowatt who looked 
back to the player he was last season, the shackles of 4 3 3 which did not suit 
him having been removed. Berardi was again solid and Antenucci worked his socks 
off up front. Wood grew into the game, he still looks short of confidence and 
should have scored / laid it on a plate for someone else to score with 
10minutes to go which would have ended it as a contest. Silvesrtri had little 
to do, plucking one ball headed right at him on the line and diving to make one 
save near the end to ensure we kept the 3 points. Dallas was the only one below 
par and he did OK and worked hard.All of them (subs were all too late to do 
much) gave everything and looked like a team who wanted to win and who cared 
about it. They were roared on by a low but appreciative crowd, with both ends 
singing along at times.Cardiff were as poor a team as I have seen this season, 
and though they did Ok at the back they carried no threat at all up front until 
the last 15mins when we looked tired and panicky and Kenwyne Jones had us 
recalling Zamora and Ameobi in recent weeks.First half was all us but one 
scramble and Ante hitting the side netting apart, we struggled to really create 
clear cut chances. We were by far the better team and they went off to a 
rousing reception rather than boos at half time (there was sarcastic applause 
on 14 seconds when it was still 0-0 after the time Blackburn scored)I was so 
confident I even took up my wife's £10 bet offer when she texted me at half 
time (I have let her off paying me, I am that pleased!)We continued to control 
the game and a couple of good passing moves nearly brought us the rewards we 
deserved. Then came the moment of the match. Mowatt strode forward with the 
ball and we all screamed for him to pass to his left where we had a two man 
overlap - Alex knew better and hit a screamer that bent and moved and went 
right in the top corner - the keeper had to just stand and watch. We went 
mental - I pointed out that according to someone on the bus on Thursday, we 
have only been ahead for 3 minutes at home this season (v Burnley)- and we all 
wondered if we could hold on.We retreated a bit, they came out of their shell 
and despite the fact that we had the weekend off we started to look tired. A 
couple of half chances fell their way and they looked a bit dangerous with a 
couple of corners (one a free header right at Silvestri) I thought we may just 
hang on but was twitching a bit when Wood chased down the ball as the defender 
and keeper dallied over it, he won in and rounded the keeper - all he needed to 
do was pull it back to Ante or Mowatt(?) who were both free and could have put 
it into an empty net, but he chose to try and score himself from a tight angle, 
too tight as it turned out and he hit the side netting.Dallas was , correctly 
subbed, we wanted Bokata to come on to show we were going for it and to cause 
them problems but Byram got the nod. To be fair the couple of touches he got he 
did power into the box, rather than check back as he has been doing of late, 
but his crosses came to nothing. Philips came on and had one very wild shot, 
Doukara came on and controlled one ball with sublime skill (I am sure there is 
a player in there somewhere) but both these (and the Byram sub) were just there 
to run down the clock as the four extra minutes ticked by, the crowd showing 
their concern by whistling and shouting for the final whistleIn the end the ref 
did blow and it was pandemonium in the stands. 8 months and 12 games of 
frustration and anger blown away in one glorious moment. To quote Rich 
(sarcastic or not) it did not make everything 'all well' but it certainly felt 
good. Hand shakes, smile, back slaps all round and fans still singing as they 
went back to the buses and cars - what a difference a win makes
I am still smiling now as I type this at 12.30am - buzzing too much to sleep 
Yes they were very bad, but, for once we gave the opposition next to nothing 
and we played with spirit and commitment - that is all we can ask for really, 
and the goal that won it - an "absolute monster" I heard someone describe it 
as. It was directly in front of me so I could see it from Mowatts foot right 
into the top corner - quality and a goal worthy of winning any game
Only time will tell if we have turned some sort of corner or if this was just a 
flash in the pan but at least we have something to savour for a few days.
Last thoughts on Cardiff - for once not a bubble trip, so no excuses, but all 
they could muster was 184 fans, pathetic really but if that is the rubbish 
their team serve up it is no wonder
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