On 15 February 2016 Nick wrote:

>    anyone any idea what this is all about?
>    [1]http://www.thescratchingshed.com/2016/02/expensive-stunt-planned-for
>    -middlesbrough-game/

A few on Waccoe have organised it.  They asked "us" to chip-in and trust
them to deliver without disclosing any details so as not to forewarn the
club etc.

No details are known except that it will be visible, will not affect the
players, it is not illegal, it will not cause any danger.  Apparently they
have been in touch with Sky.

The "appeal" started in Fri evening and by saturday morning they'd raised
3.5-4K.  Not bad!

I was going to give the game a miss after our last few home games but now
because of this (& contributing) I'm going to go!

We've got to try something to let him know how we feel.


Ted H
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