Cheers Dave, fuck me that's a cocktail of drugs.

As an official part-timer these wins will be drawing me back for the town game.

We are Leeds ,

> On 12 Mar 2016, at 18:04, "" <> wrote:
> This will be fairly short - 3 hours sleep (after a cub sleepover at Legoland) 
> 5 pints of Thwaites bitter, 6 paracetamol, 4 codeine phosphate tablets, and 
> 40mils of oramorph on top of my 60mgs of slow release morphine is not great 
> for a detailed analysis of the game !!The leeds end (lower tier) was packed 
> and we spent the first 5 minutes finding where are seats were and then 
> standing somewhere else since it was a bit of a free for allBerardi and Bamba 
> kept their places at the back, our goal scoring 'heroes' from midweek started 
> up front again with Mowatt Cook Dave and Bridcutt making up the 
> midfield.Blackburn started the brighter with lots of action down our flanks - 
> the pitch at Blackburn (which was in poor condition) is a bit strange in that 
> it extends 2 yards from the line and then has a massive camber (on the left 
> side as we looked at it)- thankfully these crosses came in 2 types , rubbish 
> ones that went behind the goal, too far to the far side or just generally 
> poor or 
> e odd decent one that just eluded the attacker in the box.It was what it was, 
> two average Championship (Division Two let us remember) teams with little, if 
> anything to play for. So not much in the way of enterprising or exciting 
> stuff. We seemed to have adopted a very odd tactic - Silvestri kicking the 
> ball, ball from hand and deadballs, very wide to the left hand side. This was 
> an old Leeds tactic and was successful for a few seasons, but this was when 
> we had Speed or Bradley Johnson on that side, players who were decent in the 
> air and who tended to have the better of the full back. Today we had Mowatt 
> and Doukara, neither of whom are good in the air coupled with a lack of 
> precision from the keeper, so , surprise surprise it did not bring us any 
> joy.The game settled into a bit of a stalemate with the feeling that first 
> goal would lead to a winning teamLo and behold and an early Easter miracle, 
> we got a corner and Bamba hooked it not over the bar but actually into the 
> net -
> a goal, an actual goal from a corner.This rocked them and encouraged us and 
> we were the better team for the rest of the half.A trip to the toilet at half 
> time has probably given me cancer from passive smoking - the smoke haze 
> coming down from the roof to about waist height - it really was bad.We 
> continued the second half where we left the first, a decent display, the 
> better team but mixing decent passages of play with needless errors.Then, 
> game over, well sort of, a corner / free kick to them led to them sending all 
> the team up into our box, a quick break and the ball came to Antenucci, he 
> took it on and ran directly for goal (similar to midweek) his touch in the 
> box let him down and we thought he was going to cross to Doukara in the 6 
> yard bit, but instead he lashed it into the corner,a lovely finish.From then 
> on we controlled things a bit as they huffed and puffed. Wood got his welcome 
> return and Dallas also got a run out.Then on 87 minutes - crime of all 
> crimes, my mates
> decided we had to leave to get our pre booked taxi! As we got outside we 
> heard a roar (ok a cheer) followed by some silly music, oh shit, we were 
> going to throw it away, followed by a tannoy saying 6 minutes extra. We, by 
> hook or crook (I do not know) saw that time out and got a win - 3 on the 
> bounce. 
> We should be ecstatic or at least hopeful with that but we aren't. Yes 3 wins 
> in 3 is great but there is no feeling of 'yes, we have it sorted' -we still 
> do not know our best team or formation . Each victory stands very much on its 
> own and all of them could have been defeats (yes , we have lost games that we 
> could have won too) Yes it stops us getting dragged into the relegation scrap 
> and full kudos to Evans but ....Roll on Hudds next week at home,a game we 
> could and should win, but the last 3 games will have little say in it
> Final comment. No -one is sure why this game was a 12.30 kick off, I have 
> seen some suggestion that it was due to 'misbehaviuor ' by fans last season. 
> 2 things of note, 1 we found a proper old style pub in the town centre that 
> treated us brilliantly. The landlord came over and had a chat with us, sorted 
> us a taxi to the ground and even came outside to make sure we got it ok. 
> Second, after the game I was at the station, when a group of Leeds fans came 
> up to the platform from the tunnel singing 'we are Leeds' . A large number of 
> police on the platform went charging down and formed a cordon and basically 
> grabbed the 'frontline' threatening to arrest them and warning them to be 
> quietNot saying the two were connected (clearly they were not) or that they 
> 'explain' anything, just things that I saw and think are worthy of 
> recordingOnwards and upwardsdave
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