As well as the ex-Communist countries, some of us are old enough to remember 
when Spain, Portugal and Greece were military/Fascist dictatorships.  Joining 
the EU after the various revolutions helped to stabilise their economies and 
their new democratic systems  (although I agree Greece should never have been 
allowed in the Eurozone).
For the alternative just see what happened in ex-Yugoslavia.
Cheers Graham White--------------------

    On Thursday, 9 June 2016, 11:51, Richard Naef 
<> wrote:

AndyC opined;

> Tony Benn (I can't believe I'm quoting him!) said some wise words about
> what would happen if we stayed in the "common market" back in 1975, he
> lost the argument and the referendum, but the past 40 years have proved
> him to be correct.

fair enough, actually the EU was one of the things I disagreed with him on.

> I'm learning lessons from the past. Out, let us take charge of our future and
> not leave it to faceless bureaucrats in Brussels. 

I'm always intrigued about this - exactly what has been forced onto us by 
faceless bureaucrats in the EU?  Have you any examples of things that weren't 
signed off by the EU Parliament, agreed by the council of ministers or in 
Treaties signed off by our elected leaders?  

> Not to mention the £160M
> net we would be better off a week.

It's a lot of money yes, but a drop in the ocean of our £15 Billion weekly 
government spending and I think fair that as one of the richer countries in the 
EU we pay in more.  Although a lower proportion of our national GDP then 
Germany, France and Italy.  Like many big organisations the EU is far from 
perfect, but our best hope for peace and prosperity.  There hasn't been a war 
between the members for the best part of 60 years of  the Union's existence, we 
integrated a dozen ex-communist countries successfully into western style 
democracies, I wish the In campaign spent more time pointing this out than the 
yahboosucks method they seem to be going for.



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