>>If they put it off until a time when Pontus is available again, that would be 
>>better no? [😊]
Don't we need Pontus to play one more game before we can trigger the clause to 
allow us to make a permanent signing? But there are only three more games 
before the end of the transfer window, and he's already suspended for two of 
them. So don't we need the Derby and Barnsley games to go ahead so he can play 
in the FA Cup at Sutton or AFCW?(Blackburn away is Feb 1st, but I assume that's 
after the transfer window shuts).

If I'm correct in this, then no, it wouldn't be better to "put it off until a 
time when Pontus is available again".
Tim W.


    On Wednesday, 11 January 2017, 11:13, Brendan Osborne 
<bosborn...@hotmail.com> wrote:

 If they put it off until a time when Pontus is available again, that would be 
better no? [😊]


From: Leedslist <leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org> on behalf of nat...@sky.com 
Sent: 11 January 2017 11:07
To: Leeds List
Subject: [LU] Am I wrong to hope the daily star is correct?

Was in Tesco earlier and saw the frontpage headline in the Daily Star"white out 
- snow to put football matches at risk this weekend" - underneath was a picture 
of a snowman in a Leeds scarf
Brilliant I thought, the game will be off, result
I am unable to go, thanks to sky and their Friday night football nonsense, got 
a  'family do' that I can't get out of !
Was gutted when I saw the weather forecast for Leeds is actually all day 
sunshine on Friday !
Is it wrong and selfish to want the game postponed just because I cannot go 
(but would most likely be OK for re-arranged game ) ?

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