What an amazing end to a fairly odd season.
As I said I went to the game not expecting it to count for anything but hoping 
that the players would perform in such a way as to keep the fans behind them.
Due to the full house I ended up arriving 3 minutes into the game, just in time 
to see Norwich flash a shot just past the post and these set the scene for the 
first 40minutes, as our rock solid defence just melted away and Norwich played 
with such skill and flair we wondered how they were not being promoted.  They 
destroyed us and we were lucky that we did not go 5 or 6 down, so dominate were 
they and so lax were we at the back. It really was awful and fans (presumably 
the ones who had booked tickets for the play off party) left the ground before 
half time. Those that remained were very disgruntled especially the big lad 
near me who was giving the team dog's abuse .
We gave the Norwich midfield the run of the park and stood back as their player 
got the ball walked foraward and then lashed a shot past Green. We had been 
talking beforehand how we really lack a midfield player who can take a long 
shot a la Mowatt, and how this meant both a lack of goals from midfield and 
made us easier to defend against.
At 0 1 we were trying to recall if we had won a game this year from that 
position but before we could recall any such victory Norwich cut us open 
beating our attempt at an offside trap and bang it was 0 2. We were pretty 
certain that we have not come from 2 down to win and then after two narrow 
escapes, one a missed sitter, it was game over 0-3 and we were being given ther 
runaround. My worst fears had come true - we were being shown up and the fans 
reacted badly with lots of abuse and boos. 

Then it all changed, the ineffective Dallas went down the wing and put in a 
lovely cross that fell to Wood and he 'thighed ' it in - another great finish 
and another example of how important Wood is - what a season he has had.

So 1 3 at half time and me and my mate recalled the Derby 4 3 game when Bowyer 
got the winner - could thi team repeat that amazing come back ? Well they tried 
and almost made it. Second half we were a team transformed as O'Kane showed he 
should have played more, and Viera and Roofe showed what they are capable of. 
Hernandez also decided he should pull his finger out and come to the party. His 
corner resulted in a mad scramble that ended with Bartley inching the ball 
home. Then a free kick on the edge of the box and Herndandez fired it home - 
great finish. Norwich were on the ropes and were time wasting and commiting 
foul after foul trying to disrupt our rythmn.  A bad tackle ended in a red card 
for one of them and then the board went up for 6 minutes injury time - could we 
get the goal that could keep the season alive ? No we couldn't but not for lack 
of trying - we gave it everything but unfortunatley so did Norwich as they were 
determined to hang on for a point. We came close especailly a cross into the 
box that Bartley met but could not get it on target.
The final whistle went and the crowd rose to salute the efforts of the team, 
not just for the Norwich game but for the whole season, a season when we 
regained a lot of fans and , more importatnly, our respect. In the end a very 
poor start to the season, a bad spell just at the wrong time, and possibly a 
lack of a plan B, meant that we just missed out on the play offs but overall it 
has been a good season, the best for ages.

So that is it for another year and the big question is can we build on it ? 
Will Monk sign, can we keep Bartley, Jansson and Wood. If we do keep these four 
then next season could be ours especially if we make a few wise additions
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