Dear Mr. Holier-than-thou,

Thanks so much for pointing out the terrible intolerance and inhumanity of
my behaviour towards another person which I displayed at the weekend.

It is to saintly people like you that we weak and thoughtless folk owe a
massive debt of gratitude.

P.S. I notice that your name is Graham Thirkill. Are you by any chance
related to the Graham Thirkill on whose "circulation list" I was
inadvertently added a few years ago? I don't think you can be, because this
person was sending out a series of sexist, nationalist, intolerant "jokes"
which were surely gleaned from the Daily Mail or the UKIP newsletter.

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 6:52 AM, Graham Thirkill <> wrote:

> rheath: for some unknown reason told us:-
> Fat bloke in front of me wearing a Wendies shirt......
> Me: Hey mate.....good luck in the playoff final!
> Twat (surly): Errr we're not in it.
> Me: Oh sorry......what happened?
> T(surlier): We lost on pens to bloody Huddersfield.
> Me: Oh no! Did Jordan Rhodes take one?
> T: Fuck off.
> ———————————
> Did the guy wearing the Wednesday Shirt ask who your team was??????
> Or did you tell him your team wasn’t good enough to qualify for the
> play-offs
> Did you mention that you called his shirt a Wendies shirt???????
> Are you one of the clowns who call Manchester United Scum???????
> You sound so pathetic, with this little childish story, grow up, I thought
> you was a
> school-teacher. Tell me again who the twat was…….??????????
> Have a good day
> Thirkers\098/
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