yes would not disagree with any of that. 
Shaugnessy was MOTM - he was brilliant. I'd give him 9. 
Radio Leeds (Popey and Whelan) going overboard about Klitch - I thought first 
20 mins he was great but I thought he was missing for most of the rest of the 
Vierra disappointed a bit - lost the ball a few times. I think he's just 
lacking match sharpness.
I thought Grot was a 4. He didn't impress.
    On Tuesday, 19 September 2017, 22:37:14 BST, Mark Pilling 
<> wrote:  
 well done leeds

interesting to see a few new and old players get a decent run out

Lonergn 7  good physical presence
Beradi 5.5 solid but no excuse for the penalty - cost us a normal time win
Ayling 7 captains performance
Shaugnassey 8 motm wow. out of position a couple of times, but great
reading, anticpation and decisions, a new Woodgate?
BC or CB.  3. yes. that bad.
Dallas 7.5 solid game, extra half for his attitude in defence
Klich 5.5 first 5 mins I thought we'd unearthed a real gem. but then he
Viera 5 bypassed or passed back until late in the game when he started to
come into it. but his one minute madness cost us the game
Roofe 6 busy but lightweight
Grot 6 busy but heavyweight
Cbicki 5 anonymous except for the end of the first half and in the second.
may have some class but well hidden tonight
Sako 7.5 wow game changer when he came on.
Hernadez 7.5 luxury like cbicki, but made things happen
awesome subs
lasogga 5 i wanted to give him more. didn't really do anything wrong but he
didnt really do anything
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