I would do but I have to finish Johnny Marr's book which was bought for me last 
Christmas - I'm on page 52. 

      From: Nigel Sykes <ni...@sykesonline.com>
 To: leedslist@gn.apc.org 
 Sent: Wednesday, 25 October 2017, 10:55
 Subject: Re: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)
Oh, go on then...

(the Dublin one)

-----Original Message-----
From: Leedslist [mailto:leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org] On Behalf Of Rob Heath
Sent: 25 October 2017 08:57
To: leedslist@gn.apc.org
Subject: [LU] non LU......well, actually, that's the point......LU (ish)

Boys & Girls..........

A few months back, I notified this list of the publication of my first
novel. I told you all that there was a little bit of an LUFC connection in
there. I thought that, plus list loyalty, would be enough to persuade you
all to buy it.

However, in the intervening period, I have been surprised to receive a grand
total of ZERO emails telling me how great/funny/fascinating etc the novel
is! I can only assume that NONE of you have bought the bloody thing!

Come on, be honest...............put your hand up if you have bought my

Hmmmm..............just as I thought.

So I'm going to try again:

It is actually *incredibly *LUish! There's a whole chapter (or part of one)
concerning the League Cup semifinal away leg against Forest. Every single
character who had to have their name changed to prevent me being sued (ie
everyone in the book) has been given the name of a Leeds player!

Plus, it is super-footbally all the way through.

Basically, this book will appeal to anybody who...........supports LUFC,
likes football, is a teacher (esp. an overseas one), is an expat, has been
to Morocco. How many of those boxes do you tick?

The book as been described by one critic as "James Herriot meets Hunter S.
Thompson." How appealing is that?!

So come on! Buy a copy now.............better still, buy 5 and give the
others as xmas presents to anybody you know who also ticks any or all of
those boxes.

(Why this desperate plea? Well, I'm working on the next novel, and I need
good sales to persuade the publisher to give me a decent deal!)

Details: *"A Tangerine Dream" by Rob Heath. *Supposedly available at all
major bookshops (although I couldn't find a single copy in any shop I looked
in during the summer) and deffo on Amazon.

Apologies to anybody annoyed by this message cluttering up your inbox.
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