Well at least there’s be one upside then.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 11 Apr 2018, at 19:11, {broken-address} Richard Walker 
> <richleed...@yahoo.co.uk.is-broken.gn.apc.org> wrote:
> I think I'd call it a day if Mick Mcarthy got the job !
>    On Wednesday, 11 April 2018, 16:36:23 BST, Richard Naef 
> <rich...@triumph-computers.co.uk> wrote:  
> Well done Ed, you win the most predicable response award for this year (OK 
> not as good as all those BAFTAs on your mantelpiece).
> Mick is a lovely guy, but he’s been embarrassingly not renewed at Ipswich and 
> I can’t recall any success he’s had in the last 10 years?
> ttfn
> Richard
> From: Ed Morrish <edmorr...@gmail.com>
> Sent: 11 April 2018 16:20
> To: Richard Naef <rich...@triumph-computers.co.uk>
> Cc: Leeds List <leedslist@gn.apc.org>
> Subject: Re: [LU] Dead or just had enough
> Mick McCarthy's available.
> On 11 April 2018 at 16:08, Richard Naef 
> <rich...@triumph-computers.co.uk<mailto:rich...@triumph-computers.co.uk>> 
> wrote:
> I know everyone is disappointed with the season, but we have to learn that 
> these things take time, chopping and changing rarely works immediately and 
> any manager will almost certainly need time to change things.  Even lord god 
> all bloody mighty Pep Gardiola hasn't succeeded immediately.
> Heckingbottom has bought a few young players through - BPF and O'Connor, plus 
> Pearce and Nicell on the Bench, he's been a tad unlucky with injuries with 
> Forshaw and Tyler getting crocked and Ayling suffering a longterm injury.
> Things would probably be better if Monk and Wood had stayed, but they didn't 
> and we have had to deal with that.
> So, if H goes, who next?  We've tried young foreign unknowns, young Yorkshire 
> hardly knowns, old timers, foreign old timers, watermelons and al.
> ttfn
> Richard
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Leedslist 
> <leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org<mailto:leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org>> On Behalf 
> Of nat...@sky.com<mailto:nat...@sky.com>
> Sent: 11 April 2018 15:01
> To: Leeds List <leedslist@gn.apc.org<mailto:leedslist@gn.apc.org>>
> Subject: Re: [LU] Dead or just had enough
> Think it is the second one - we have all had enough for this season, a season 
> where things started so well and we all began to believe that this would 
> indeed be the season we have all longed for, only for it to end in abject 
> defeat and disillusionment
> When you are a poor side playing badly everything goes against you - hence 
> the huge injury list that we have now Lots of 'gossip / click bait' sites 
> that I (and many others) follow via NewsNow site are saying that Heckinbottom 
> is in the process of being sacked. Whilst I doubt this is true, his time is 
> fast running out and it is hard to see him still being in charge when we 
> begin next season. He has done nothing since he took over to show he is the 
> right man - far from stopping our slide down the leagues he has increased the 
> speed of it with no sign of him being able to turn things round) I know 
> waccoe is full of drama queens etc but the poll on there asking should he be 
> sacked is not looking good for him Radz will know he needs to do something to 
> stop the fans turning their blame towards him and making him the subject of 
> the latest 'boycott or  excuse/reason for not going' a la Bates, GFH and 
> Cellino. The old ' I am not going whilst he is in charge' mob, who think that 
> they are  helping the long term future of the club by withdrawing their 
> active support in the short term Dave
>       From: Nigel Goodman <freofra...@gmail.com<mailto:freofra...@gmail.com>>
> To: Leeds List <Leedslist@gn.apc.org<mailto:Leedslist@gn.apc.org>>
> Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2018, 12:32
> Subject: [LU] Dead or just had enough
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> --
> Ed Morrish
> e...@morrish.org<mailto:e...@morrish.org> | 07870657825
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