Yes the article Dave posted really got me excited. This section below is also 
great. All of a sudden we're big news again and there just seems to be a real 
buzz about the club. This could of course all come crashing down by days end 
tomorrow but it sure is fun being a Leeds fan right now.

Leeds’s appointment of Bielsa has had the feel of a coup. The reality of the 
club’s situation, with recently relegated rivals still receiving parachute 
payments and the financial fair play rules hemming United in, means they have 
needed to seek a creative solution.

Bielsa is it. The hierarchy believe he offers a competitive advantage in terms 
of knowledge, experience and patented tactical approach, which is characterised 
by a three‑man defence, extreme width, aggressive pressing, risk-taking, 
constant movement and relentless physical effort. The statistics show the 
players ran more, on average, across their six pre-season games than they did 
in league matches last season.

From: Leedslist <> on behalf of 
Sent: Saturday, August 4, 2018 7:27:59 AM
To: Leeds List
Subject: [LU] Bilesa from Guardian - brilliant (if true)

Marcelo Bielsa had a question. The new Leeds manager wanted to find out how 
hard the average supporter had to work to pay for a ticket to watch the team. 
How many hours did he or she have to put in? It was unclear what kind of 
calculations went into the answer but one was provided. It would be about 
three.So the Argentinian called his players together and he told them that, for 
the next three hours, they would be picking up litter from around the club’s 
Thorp Arch training ground. He wanted them to learn a lesson; to appreciate how 
the fans laboured to fulfil their passion.t was classic Bielsa on many levels, 
taking in his empathy for the worker, his fixation with discipline and team 
spirit and, above all, the quirkiness and unpredictability that has led to the 
“El Loco” nickname. The 63-year-old is not crazy. It is just that his obsessive 
nature, ferocious intensity, eccentricities and refusal to adhere to convention 
can make him seem that way.When Bielsa strode into Leeds on 15 June to replace 
Paul Heckingbottom, it quickly became clear the club would never be the same 
again. The stories of Bielsa’s attention to detail are already legendary. He 
runs his forefinger across various surfaces at Thorp Arch to check for dust, 
invariably being appalled at what he finds, while he once inquired why there 
was a bootprint on a wall – about half a yard from the floor.It was explained 
to him that, perhaps, it was the result of somebody leaning back against it, 
with his or her foot up. “That shows the person is not concentrated on their 
work! Unacceptable!” Bielsa exclaimed. Leeds have had and do have bigger 
problems than the odd dirty mark but this is Bielsa, the perfectionist, and 
this is how he intends to drag the club up by their bootlaces: little bit by 
little bit.
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