Just seen the trailer for the upcoming docu-video of last season
It could have been an absolute masterpiece but I think that the ending will 
totally ruin the whole thing - I will be watching all the brilliant football 
and results , all the amazing come backs (Villa and Blackburn) and get really 
excited but at the back of my mind I will know how it ends and be thinking 
"great but all pointless "

Just hope this coming season brings me as much pleasure and fun as last season 
did - Costa in full flow will certainly be exciting - but with a different end 
Following on from the thread yesterday - I am all over the place when looking 
at the squad, one minute it looks very strong with good back up in every 
position , the next it looks very lightweight and has too many weaknesses !
The fact that we will have full houses from the start with over 20,000 STs sold 
should make it better than for ages
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