I had no confidence in him whatsoever. His command of the box was 
non-existent. 3.5 million for him is good business.
    On Wednesday, July 31, 2019, 02:03:07 PM EDT, nat...@sky.com 
<nat...@sky.com> wrote:  
 Looks like BPF is off to Burnley for 3.5m
He was decent enough for us but prone to mistakes especially with shots from 
distance - maybe time and experience could sort that 
He was not going to be 1st choice so not a great loss unless Kiko gets injured 
, banned or loses it altogether 
No idea if Huffer and Maziek are God enough
If the money allows us to get a good centre back or Ryan Kent then it is good 
business,  if it just goes towards FFP or whatever then not so good 
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