
Couldn't find any from WorldNet but I did find this one from a 5-a-side
tournament at Thorpe Arch.  Date on the photo seems to be 19/8/04.


Mind has gone blank on all the names but I see myself, Wiggy, Alan Dellow
and my brother Chris in it.



On Fri, Apr 24, 2020 at 1:42 PM Jeremy Adams <jeremyadam...@hotmail.com>

> Thanks John,
> My two experiences at WorldNet were fantastic, met many people I had only
> ever known virtually through this list and every one of them was a true
> gent. Was a spectator at Leicester (though got to play one friendly) and
> then played at the one at Bodington Hall. I remember Damian Walsh providing
> much charcuterie and much booze both before and after games, its a miracle
> any Lards games got played! Maggie Barber drove me up to Leeds for the
> second one, his car kept overheating so we had to drive with the heat
> turned up full blast to try and pull heat away from the engine, it was a
> boiling hot day in July as I remember.
> If any listers have any photos from WorldNet I'd love to see them. This
> was of course before the days of smartphones sp pictures may be hard to
> come by.
> Best
> Jeremy
> ________________________________
> From: Leedslist <leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org> on behalf of John Boocock <
> j...@boocock.net>
> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2020 9:42 AM
> To: leedslist@gn.apc.org <leedslist@gn.apc.org>
> Subject: Re: [LU] The Lard Update
> Hi Jeremy.
> Unfortuantely not but I am scouring the archives for pictures at the
> moment if I find owt good I'll be sharing!
> Betty
> On 23/04/2020 14:31, Jeremy Adams wrote:
> > Got any more years John? I was at the Leicester one (the next year I
> > think) and then the one at Leeds Uni.
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
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RIP Norman MOT

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