And we deserve it. The team and Bielsa have been brilliant all season. Tables 
don’t lie. They reflect what has happened over a season. We will end up in top.


Now, with that celebration over, what’s next? I maintain that the current side 
will get demolished in the premier league. Big time. There’s probably 3-4 
premier standard players in the squad, the rest are championship mid table 
fodder at best. Bielsa has turned carthorses into thoroughbreds by instilling a 
style of play that is both hard to do and hard to deal with. 

Last year we saw the results of it being hard to do... we fell away at the end 
because we could not quite keep it up. 

This year 2 things changed from last year: Bielsa had more time to instill his 
principles into the players, and secondly, and I think more important, the 
players had a big rest at a very important stage in the season when we had the 
COVID break. This helped us enormously: we got refreshed, both physically and 
mentally, and Bielsa knew how to get them to go again with the same pace and 
style, despite the slightly stuttering restart. 

But, the fact remains, these are journeymen players who will get squashed in 
the premiership. They are not good enough to see us survive. We need a minimum 
of 5 new players to make a decent go of staying in the premier... and I don’t 
believe MB will want to do this. He will want to stay with his established 
current players who he has worked on so hard. I reckon this will be a mistake, 
and we will struggle. 

Being optimistic, we could do a SheffU. But I think that is blind optimism, 
with little justification. More likely we will be close to doing a Norwich. The 
unknown factor is how much magic can MB create through the squad? MB is the 
only factor that could allow us to survive. 

We need better players and fast. 

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