Well, for purely selfish reasons, I DON'T want Brentford to come up … gives us a chance of nicking Benrahmi, who may be useful! I was delighted for Barnsley … Having played so well against us, I thought they deserved a bit of luck, an ex LUFC U23 scoring for them too. The FFP is a farce and I would be very happy to see Derby and Wednesday punished, the problem here is we have a weak governing body (Except when it comes to us, conspiracy theorists … discuss! :)) and they will bottle it or cock It up. The Forest thing made me laugh … A LOT! It is SO funny when it's not happening to you isn't it? Not particularly bothered who does go up in the play offs, although Cardiff ARE a bogey team, so hopefully not them. To basically put at least one team in the bottom 3 next season, I'd probably hope for Fulham or Swansea! :)



On 2020-07-23 21:36, Kevin Lewis (UK SBS) wrote:
Forgot to give my views on the final day.

Well played Luton for getting out of it.  Felt most sorry for
Brentford, well Pontus anyway, to experience last day despair twice in
consecutive seasons, although Brentford’s tally was as good as could
have been expected from the last 9 games.  He still has a chance in
the Play-offs though, where I will be rooting for him.

Also Wigan.  When Lockdown occurred they had just about crawled to
safety.  Then the dodgy owner’s shenanigans put them into Admin using
Covid as the excuse.
In my opinion Derby and Wendies stretched the FFP rules to the limits,
or beyond it purposely, but I can’t see the points being given back to
Wigan now, and that would be unfair on Barnsley.  Is there scope to
give them a few points back 10 days down the line and still save face?
 I’m not sure.

Not in the least sorry for Forest though.  I really hope Brentford and
Fulham get through to the final.  Don’t want to see an all-Welsh final
for a start, and neither of them have looked anything like promotion
material all season.

That really is it now, well until I need to spout off about something else.

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