Can't argue with any of that Dave - that's exactly how it was for us too,
sat in the NE Upper.  To us, as people were more spread out, there seemed
more than 8000 there!

Robert - no recognition of Alioski on the lap of honour.  I don't think
he's actually signed the contract for Galascum has he?

Shame Kalvin's injury kept him away from the lap of honour as well.

Ted H

On Mon, 24 May 2021 at 15:39, Robert Heath <> wrote:

> Thanks Dave. Very interesting.
> Was there any recognition for Alioski on the lap of honour?
> On Mon, May 24, 2021 at 3:13 PM nattan--- via Leedslist <
>> wrote:
> > A few have asked off list what it was like covid restriction- wise , so
> > here goes
> > Firstly an apology to Liam Cooper, although it was a daft an unnecessary
> > pass, Kalvin was the one mainly at fault. We were sat  ( stood ) first
> row
> > from the front right by the corner flag so not the greatest view of
> action
> > down the other end) All my STs have been in upper tiers- lowfields seats,
> > then top of south stand, then upper east and now N10 at the back of the
> Kop
> > ( where I used to stand when I first started going in the mid 70s) so it
> > really gave a new perspective on the game - the camber on the grass is
> > amazing, it looks flat from above but at pitch level but is almost a very
> > shallow dome. You also realise quite how fast they are , one bit when
> > Ayling was not even in my peripheral vision and a second later was
> keeping
> > the ball in play was incredible,  also a trick from Raphinha was
> > outstanding so close up. It also showed how much the lad was acting /
> > exaggerating in the first minute when Coops " smacked him in the face"
> > As for the day itself it was weird enough having to wear a mask both on
> > the train itself and inside both Victoria and Leeds stations,  coming
> back
> > only window seats were in use and after each stop the announcer said the
> > police would be giving fixed penalty notices to anyone not wearing a mask
> > correctly without a medical exemption
> > We were booked in the West Ridings fron 12noon to 3.15 and because there
> > was 7 of us we had to have 2 separate tables (6 being the allowed
> maximum)
> > . My lad and myself were outside queueing up at 11,45 and were first
> > through the doors. We had to give our names to the doorman  then fill in
> a
> > form with name and phone number.. It was waitress service , worked well
> > except the landlord told me one of the girls having been on furlough for
> 15
> > months on 70% pay had failed to show up. Masks were supposed to be worn
> > when moving through the pub  ( eg going to toilets or outside fir a cig)
> > but not everyone complied and we even  moved our tables closer together
> > At the ground itself there was a massive air of expectation, excitement
> > and relief.  There were barriers surrounding the Revie Stand and everyone
> > had to show their ticket, the email sent from the club confirming you had
> > completed the medical questionnaire and some photo ID. A group of 3 lads
> > were being denied entry and were arguing the toss with stewards over a
> lack
> > of ID ( clearly asked for when we got match instructions) I  dont know
> how
> > / if it was resolved.
> > You entered as normal using ticket machine but once inside all the drinks
> > and food outlets were shut including the Fanzone bar outside the Kop.
> > Toilets were open as usual ( good job given the 7 pints I had in the
> > Ridings)
> > Masks were compulsory inside the ground for fans and stewards etc and I
> > did  not see / notice anyone failing to comply or having issues ( i was
> > front row so it's possible there were issues behind me ??)
> > It was odd only having 8,000 in the stadium although i have been in such
> > low crowds before- the difference yesterday was that all stands had fans
> > in, there were empty seats surrounding everyone and the mood was buoyant,
> > usually for such a poor turnout ( eg first round of league cup) some
> stands
> > are empty, fans are sat in groups,  and most are thinking " why did i
> > bother "
> > The kneeling brought some small applause but no booing ( thankfully- the
> > press would have had a field day) but seemed so much quicker in real life
> > than on TV and was over and done with as soon as it  began.  Not sure it
> > would even give fans pause for thought let alone actually affect
> behaviour
> > Overall it was quite emotional especially the double substitution (
> > although they went off one at a time) of the two 'retirees' and then the
> > lap of honour at the end
> > So whilst I enjoyed it and was immensely grateful to have been lucky in
> > the ballot,  I hope to never experience the like again- here's to full
> > houses and no restrictions and no masks next season
> > Dave
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