Agree with all that. Harrison, only 1 cross out of 13 was decent and his 
passing at times was terrible. He had a knack of finding an opposition shirt 
with ease. 
The team we put out against Brum was a Div 3 team, absolutely no quality 
whatsoever and we could have played all week and not scored. Thing is, unless 
Farke's taking off his leather jacket and playing up front I'm not sure he can 
change it much if Sini, Willy and Summerville won't play / are injured. Did you 
see Farke in his leather jacket ? It was boiling and he was pacing up and down 
in his leather jacket , pissing sweat like a pig. Very strange. 
This is an unbelievable position we find ourselves in and yes it is comparable 
to some of the shambles in the past. I've never been that criticial of Raz, 
Orta and Kinnear because of Bielsa but this has just ruined everything and they 
will be remembered for it. 
Total shambles. 
I missed the first 2 games because of a holiday but am back for Friday but it 
certainly won't be anything like the 4-0 Pablo game and I'm expecting the 
    On Monday, 14 August 2023 at 11:12:15 BST, John Lee via Leedslist 
<> wrote:  
 Of all the players who’ve gone, Rodrigo aside, none of them were good enough 
for the Premier League. Obviously I’m hoping some serious recruitment plans are 
in place for the next 2/3 weeks, but the players who have gone pretty much got 
us relegated/almost relegated twice in 2 seasons - they simply are not good 
enough. Harrison scored some great goals, but his crossing was often woeful, 
and whilst he always tried, is that enough? And when we needed him now, he’s 
buggered off! OK, it’s a short career etc, but for me he’s on the 
quitters/mutineers list. 

If I had a season ticket I might be questioning exactly what I have paid to 
watch, but this clear-out is long overdue - hopefully this is the start of the 
club being run professionally (famous last words). On the still not yet gone 
list, I hope Adams, Summerville and Sinisterra can be co-erced into staying, 
but it seems like the entire first team will be gone soon!

It almost makes the Cellino era look settled - almost ;-) 

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