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From: Leedslist <leedslist-boun...@gn.apc.org> on behalf of John Boocock 
Sent: Saturday, September 2, 2023 10:43:13 AM
To: leedslist@gn.apc.org <leedslist@gn.apc.org>
Subject: [LU] Return to Yesteryear

As part of my 70th Birthday year celebrations (my family have insisted
it is a long drawn out affair - a bit like my life to be honest) I
started my celebrations in July when I was taken to the opera, since
then I have had a day at the races and next up is a trip to SOTG (also
as part of the thankgodthetransferwindowisclosed celebrations).

The choice of the Wendies was purely random but it means I get fed and
watered in the Centenary Pavilion and then have a mild seizure climbing
up to block L in the MNES. By about 6.00pm I hope to be in Whitelocks
before being whisked away back to the Land of the Sad Wartin' Geordies

I haven't actually reached the actual birthday yet, but if I do it will
be a wonder after all the excitement of recent days. I will attempt my
first match report in over one million years if I get as far as Sunday
without a visit to the LGI or Jimmys.


P.S. I recommend the Opera at Covent Garden if only for the Coach and
Horses just down the road which served 'the best pint of Guinness in

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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.
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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.

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