Absolutely spot on Rich.
Last night makes all the shit times seem worth it - that's what makes us
keep going.

When Archie's goal went in, it was mental. One of the best times ever at ER.

All 4 sides of the ground singing "let's go fukcing mental"! Unbelievable


Ted H

On Sat, 24 Feb 2024, 13:04 Richard Walker via Leedslist, <
leedslist@gn.apc.org> wrote:

> Very special night - right up there cos I just didn't see it coming. I
> thought we might scrape an equalised towards the end but the subs were
> inspired if not obvious. Bamford is a different level to Piroe and if
> there's one guy who is struggling in this team it's Piroe. He hasn't get
> the legs to harry and hassle and looks like someone who doesn't know how to
> play as a no 9 at this level. Shame, cos he knows where the goal
> is. Anyway, back to the night and I was in the West Stand in front of some
> old kid who commented that he'd never experienced anything quite like this
> in the West Stand. Everyone stood up for long periods dancing and singing
> "Let's go f;cking mental' . Archie's goal for me is in the top 10 goals of
> all time. I just love the bloke, so talented and for me he plays in
> midfield not as a right back (or left back). When that goal went in I
> hugged the bloke next to me and lifted him up, I think he was a taken aback
> but then for the 3rd he pounced on me. Fun in the stands that I haven't
> experienced for a while ....  and in the West Stand !!!!
> I thought Leicester were great for the first 60 mins. Stopped us playing
> our game and basically stamped all over us. Summerville hardly touched the
> ball in the first half and Rutter was losing possession and marked out of
> the game. Their defence looked top draw and in Dewsbury-Hall (weird name,
> has anyone been to Dewsbury Town Hall ?) they had the best player on the
> pitch and arguably the best I've seen this season. Great passer , mover and
> can go past people with ease. Needs to be playing in the premier league.
> Hang on a minute though, there is another player just as good at going past
> people with ease and that's Rutter. After a poor first half he came alive,
> winning balls, setting up attacks and beating people. When he danced
> through the middle and was taken out for the 3rd goal free kick, surely
> that was a red card. He would have scored ! Anyway, didn't matter.
> How Leicester didn't finish off the game was beyond belief. Firpo was
> taken off as he was a liability and kept losing the ball (I don't think we
> can have him in the team cos he can't defend) and they had chance after
> chance including a disallowed goal that wasn't. If they'd got that 2nd I
> think it would have been a different result. They didn't and the rest is
> history. Nights like this are what you live for.
> Scores:
> Meslier - 8. Kept us in it with good saves in each half.
> Gray - 7. Torrid time against a good Leicester winger but he stuck to his
> job and did a better job than Firpo at left back. Shame his goal is going
> down as an OG.
> Firpo-5. Struggled 2nd half, looked tired and ragged.
> Ampadu - 7. Had to work hard but I loved the way he drove forward in that
> 2nd half making you realise that we do lose a bit of that without him in
> midfield however I think his contribution to the defence speaks for itself.
> Rodon - 7. Had a few moments and also was given the runaround a few times
> which we haven't really seen before but he stuck to the task.
> Gruev - 8. Worked tirelessly and drove us back in the game. What a great
> player he is.
> Kamara - 7. He was all over the place, lost some duels, won some but it
> was definitely a fully committed performance.
> Rutter - 8. Poor first half but that was mainly down to how good they
> were. 2nd half he just ran them ragged. They've never come across a beast
> like Rutter. What a player and what a sight when he's in full flow. I'm not
> sure I've seen a player like him before. Ok, we're in League 2 but he is
> mesmerising to watch.
> Gnonto - 5. Definitely not his night but again I just think that's down to
> how well they defended. He hardly got a kick.
> Summerville - 6. Quite night. They did a good job on him for 60 mins but
> he came into it and nearly scored.
> Piroe - 3. It's sad to see one of the players really struggling and
> everyone just wants Bamford back asap. He's going to be warming the bench
> for a while and when we get promoted I think he's one who definitely won't
> be able to play in the PL.
> Subs:
> Bamford - 8. Brilliant performance. Made a massive difference and
> unsettled them from the minute he walked on the pitch.
> James - 8. Same. Really lively. He can't be left out.
> Roberts - 8. What a goal ? and what a tackle on Dewsbury-Hall (I think ?)
> - nearly decapitated him. Probably a red.
> and the Leicester fans sang "Where's your famous atmosphere?" - I know for
> sure, they've never experienced anything like that. Filbert street was a
> morgue and the new stadium is awful.
> Leicester may still win the league but they can't beat us ! 6 points,
> thank you v.much,
> Ended up in the Green Room (next to West Riding) till the early hours -
> just buzzing. Even with a hangover today I'm buzzing and just keep watching
> all of the clips on X.
> What a season ! What a manager ! What a team ! but we've still got it all
> to do. Can you see us losing a game now though ? I can't, but we are Leeds
> United.
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