As you will be aware, the State Government is proposing to corporatise
Wilson's Promontory by allowing private developers to construct and operate
luxury accommodation and hotels inside the park.  Not only will this spoil
the magical atmosphere of the Prom, it will also have a devastating impact
on the local environment.  More cars and people, waste water and rubbish
will be only some of the problems.  It is likely that erosion will also
result from the sort of development being proposed.

Please visit

which is the LaTrobe Mountaineering Club site.  It contains details of the
action below:

The Really Great Prom Walk commences 10am, 15/11/98 at Tidal River and
concludes in Melbourne on 29/11/98.  That's right, the walk is from the
Prom to Melbourne!!  There is a schedule available of where the walk will
reach each day.

For the less energetic, the walk will culminate in a rally and march
starting at 12noon on Sunday 29/11/98 at the floral clock on St Kilda Road
(in Queen Victoria Gardens), from there the rally will move to Parliament
House where a report highlighting the problems with the development
proposal will be presented.  The event will conclude with a picnic lunch
and bands in Treasury Gardens.

Please support this event - not only does the proposal further erode the
people's control of our assets, it also threatens some precious wilderness
and cute furry animals!!.

If you require information in addition to that on the above site, contact
Leslie at the Victorian National Parks Association on 9650 8296.

Kerren Clark  (w) 9370 7777


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