The Sydney Morning Herald
2 Dec 1998

Hill could lose seat in court challenge - experts

Date: 02/12/98


One Nation's sole Federal MP, Queensland senator-elect Mrs Heather Hill, is 
likely to be forced out of Parliament by a High Court challenge launched 
yesterday, even though she is understood to have quietly renounced her British 
citizenship, constitutional experts believe.  

They also say the challenge may force both Houses of Parliament to consider 
passing resolutions clarifying the status of MPs with dual citizenship.  

A petition by a Chinese-born Brisbane businessman, Mr Henry Sue, lodged in the 
High Court in Sydney, seeks Mrs Hill's disqualification under section 44 of the 
Constitution, which says citizens of a foreign power are "incapable of being 
chosen or of sitting" in Parliament.  

The Jewish community signalled it would throw its financial weight behind the 
challenge, but One Nation's Mr David Oldfield reacted angrily, saying Australia 
would be "better off" without the Asian-Australians who launched it.  

A similar challenge was lodged in Brisbane by a former One Nation candidate, Mr 
Terry Sharples, but Mr Sharples admitted he did not have the funds to finance 

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