>From today's Breaking News (The Age), at:

Govt to sell off water: Brumby

     The Victorian government planned to privatise the state's
     supply, Opposition leader John Brumby said today.

     He said advertisements in the Financial Review last week
     tenders from companies able to value the water industry
     the first step in the privatisation process.

     ``This is the pattern they've used with electricity and
that's been sold
     and this is the pattern they used with gas,'' Mr Brumby
told radio 3LO.

     ``And I think your listeners would think, well when do
you get your
     house valued? You get it valued when you're going to sell

     He said Premier Jeff Kennett and Treasurer Alan
Stockdale's past
     assurances that they had no plan to privatise the water
supply could
     not be trusted.

     ``That's exactly what they said about gas at the last
election,'' he said.

     ``If you look at their track record to date, I don't
think there's any doubt
     - what this is about is laying the ground work to sell
off Victoria's water

     Water will soon be the only utility left in public hands.
     privatisations netted $23 billion and the recently
announced gas
     sell-off is expected to make another $4 billion.

     Mr Kennett last month said privatising water was not an
option for a
     range of reasons.

     ''... as a policy decision it is not on,'' he said.

     AAP hmg/bjm/br

     Published: Mon Dec 14 08:43:38 EST 1998

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