Leonard Peltier has been in prison for 23 years. Here he writes in 
support of the Black journalist Mumia Abu Jamal who is on Death Row 
(awaiting murder by the State of Philadelphia)  

  Forward by the NWLPSN, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Greetings Friends, supporters, and Mumia,

I know that this must be a sad and frustrating time for you as the 
negative defeats that we have received in my case have been to us. I 
know it is easy for me and others to tell you not to give up the 
fight. I personally understand and know the feeling many times 
through this twenty-three years of wanting to say the hell with it 
and give up-- believing that there is no way to defeat this evil 
empire. Sometimes it just seems hopeless.  

When this happens I am always reminded by my courageous supporters, 
like those of you who are here today, that to accept defeat is not a 
warrior's way.  

As long as the people have not accepted defeat, neither will we. So I 
would like to encourage you to stay strong and continue the fight 
until Mumia is victorious.  

It is an outrage that the courts continue to ignore blatant evidence 
and continue to play legal games with our lives. This insanity is a 
huge insult, not only to those of us who remain unjustly imprisoned, 
but to all of you who dedicate your lives to our freedom and are 
ignored by the corporate owned justice system and media.  

I want to encourage supporters to intensify the struggle for Mumia's 

I know you can stop this execution because no matter how evil a 
government may be they still cannot defeat the power of the people. 
Your work and help is needed more than ever. We must now live and 
breathe Mumia's case twenty-four hours a day.  

If we are able in unity to stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, we 
are not only saving the life of the man who speaks for those who are 
not often heard and who's stories are rarely told, but you are saving 
all of us who remain unjustly behind bars from the depths of 

                                             In The Spirit of Crazy Horse
                                                      Leonard Peltier

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