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Subject: [WORKFARE] Re: Question
Date: Mon, 4 Jan 1999 08:55:56 +0100
From: "Bob malecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Bob malecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Barabara wrote..

>From: "Barbara R. Sands" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Hello comrades-
>Here in the US of A, Workfare means Working for your benefits. These are
>state programs. Each state determines how the program will be
>operationalized. And the state contracts with its counties/cities. "Make
>sure you get X percentage of folks off welfare by such and such date or you
>aint getting your money."  In New York state alone, during the past two
>years, 600,000 people have been kicked off of welfare.  Interesting to note
>that the jobs which people are pushed in to are often jobs in the very
>agencies that dole out social assistance benefits----foodstamps, medicaid,
>rent vouchers.
>So, what is Workfare in other parts of the capitalist world ? Will warmly
>greet all responses.
>I am a public service worker, a single parent, and previously a social
>assistance recipient.
>Barbara Sands
>Albany NY

Well here in Sweden it is being used to dismantle the welfare
Especially turning welfare payments based on a subsistent minimum
from a right to become something you must work in order to get.
mass unemployment and the growing sector of millions on the dole
is now
being turned into and instrument  to drive down wages and to
produce a
labor force for jobs which no body in their right minds ever would
taken..But also jobs in many sectors which formally were done by
unionized workers is now being done by non union labor but also
almost noyhing except the minimum subsistent requirement.

It is the state organizing scab labor in all sectors of society
both to
weaken the unions and at the same time justify the destruction of
welfare benefits.

For example many women thrown out of the public sector in the
are now being re-employed under various programs under
thus doing the same job they once did for a monthly pay now for
right to get the minium requirement of money for living.

I for example a single father whom worked with handicapped
children is
invited to once again work in this field where i was making about
crowns a month before the downsizing and now returning for the
sum of 10,000 crown a month thus a cut in pay of a third. 

Over and above this it has meant that tens of thousands after
being laid
off were forced to sell everything they own, the divorce rate
to ever new highs and now being used has a highly mobile reserve
with no rights what so ever and no union to back them up.

Unfortunately here the turn is now coming to those on unemployment
benefits. Where this system is now being introduced in order to
unemployment benefits into workfare welfare and with the good
wishes of
the trade union bureaucracy who have completely capitulated to

The latest debate in all this is a new law which will require the
on welfare and unemployment benefits to take house hold jobs in
homes of the middle and upper middle classes in order to get their
benefits while at the same time giving a tax reduction to these
in order to get hired help.

And people here are getting extremely angry about it. Both the
unemployed and welfare parcipiants are organizing in their own
committees around the country.

So we shall see what this leads to and how will we approach this

Warm regards
Bob malecki

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