-------- Original Message --------
Subject: John Ralston Saul fax number correction
Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1999 01:29:16 +1000
From: Sean Kidney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Social Change Friends <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

****************** SOCIAL CHANGE FRIENDS MAILING LIST *****************
Yesterday I sent an Invitation to hear a public lecture by John Ralston

If you're interested and able to respond, you need to know that the fax
number quoted had an error.

The correct fax number for bookings for the lecture is 02 9929 3905.

I've reproduced the original (corrected) email below for your reference.
Please feel free to send it on to anyone else you think may be

Many thanks

Sean Kidney

INVITATION to a public lecture by John Ralston Saul,
one of the world's leading political thinkers.

Dear colleagues,

You're invited to hear the controversial Canadian political thinker and
author, John Ralston Saul, give his only public lecture in Sydney on
'Globalisation and democracy'.

Saul is visiting Australia for a very short period and this will be his
only public appearance. The lecture is being co-sponsored by Social
Media, the Evatt Foundation and the Australian Association for
Environmental Education.

The details are -

        7.30 pm, Saturday 16 January 1999

        John Clancy Auditorium, University of NSW, Sydney
        (Enter via Gate 9 in High Street, Kensington).

        Cost - $25 per person.

Book a seat via email to ([EMAIL PROTECTED]), by fax (02 9949
3905) or phone (02 9949 4933), or just pay at the door.  See the booking
form at the bottom of this page.


This lecture should be a refreshing and inspiring experience. Not only
Saul one of the most original and insightful political thinkers of our
but he is deeply committed to democracy, the public good, and a
re-invigorated role for the citizen.

Saul's thought has urgent implications for everyone involved in
environmental, social and political activism in Australia. His target is
'corporatism' and he reminds us that while our movements focus on
for influence in a corporatist society, we are betraying our
consitituencies by undermining the possibility of a transformed future.

For instance, he asks environmentalists - how we can continue to believe
'sustainability' without asking 'what are we sustaining?' Unless we aim
transform the utilitarian language and values of our civilisation, we
doomed to be just another interest group.

Saul is the author of the international bestseller 'Unconscious
Civilisation', as well as 'Voltaire's Bastards' and 'The Doubter's



'There is now a desperate need amongst technicians, manipulators of
and profiteers to destroy any remaining evidence that Western society
function on the basis of humanist cooperation.

'Our elites need to be pessimistic about us in their own best interests.
The establishment of self-interest as the prime driving force of the
character is the key to their approach.

'But the void in our society has been produced by the absence of values.
The constant base needed to supply values is the result of methodical
participation. The individual gains his powers and responsibilities by
being there.'

        - John Ralston Saul, Voltaire's Bastards pp 583-4


To book your ticket now, simply print out, fill in and fax back this
to 02 9948 3905.

BOOKING FORM - for John Ralston Saul, Saturday 16 January 1999

Yes, please confirm ..... tickets for me for John Ralston Saul's
lecture on Saturday 16 January 1999,  at $25 each, for a total of

(I understand that seating is not assigned and that it will be first
first seated.)

Enclosed is a cheque (made out to the Australian Association of
Environmental Education), or please debit my credit card:

        <> Mastercard   <> Visa   <> Bankcard   <> Amex   <> Diners

        Card number

        Expiry date

        Signature (if faxing or mailing)





        Phone number                    Fax number

Note: we cannot accept credit card payments via email or phone. If you
to book by phone we will then post of fax to you a printed payment form.


Send bookings direct to the 'Organising Group', who are managing the
for the Australian Association for Environmental Education:

        Fax 02 9949 3905 or
        Phone 02 9949 4933
        Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sean Kidney     Social Change Australia, Pluto Press Australia
Director        Social Change Online, Social Change Media

[EMAIL PROTECTED]        http://socialchange.net.au/
Tel: +61 (0)2 9519 3299 Fax: +61 (0)2 9519 8940

You can buy Pluto Press books from http://socialchange.net.au/pluto/

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To subscribe or unsubscribe to this list, go to our web-site at
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