See: The McLibel Trial

INDEPENDENT (London) January 9, 1999 McLibel two in new court challenge

By Sarah Wilson

The fast food chain McDonald's, which spent about 10m pounds to win an
uncollectable 60,000 pounds in the "McLibel" saga, is to throw thousands
more into contesting an appeal by the activists in the case. 

Helen Steel, 33, and Dave Morris, 44, who have an income of less than
7,500 pounds a year between them, are appealing against the ruling that
they libelled McDonald's in a "factsheet" first published by London
Greenpeace in the late Eighties. 

A leading human rights barrister has provided the pair with detailed
advice for free, although they will still represent themselves in court.

On Tuesday, Richard Rampton QC, one of the most respected libel silks in
the country, will confront them once again.

The first time, despite their lack of legal training, the pairproved
several important points. This time they might even win. They will argue
that a multi-national corporation should not be able to sue for libel in
the same way that governments and local authorities are barred from taking
legal action.

The outcome of the appeal is less important for the activists, however,
than the publicity it will generate. A website set up by volunteers during
the first trial has been accessed more than 65 million times. The
publicity surrounding the trial has given green activists a platform for
disseminating embarrassing information about McDonald's far more widely
than any leaflet could.

On the day the appeal hearing begins, activists will also screen a film
about the case at 100 cinemas and on cable networks around the world,
including 18 in Britain.

A spokesman for McDonald's Restaurants Ltd, the UK arm of the worldwide
corporation, yesterday defended its decision to spend more money in court.
"There were many very serious allegations aired at the initial trial. We
welcomed the judgment when it was handed down. It is very important [it]
is upheld," he said.

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