
McDonalds tells workers: dob in your workmates or face the sack

Two sacked McDonalds workers will go to the Tasmanian Industrial 
Commission next Friday in Launceston, claiming they were unfairly 
dismissed by the fast-food company and seeking re-instatement.  

The two, along with another worker who is not appealing, were sacked 
from the McDonalds Invermay restaurant in November last year. Two 
were ostensibly sacked for for arriving at work 2 hours early, 
consuming a small amount of alcohol on the company's premises and 
eating some of the employer's stock without paying.  

The other sacked worker, who was working the overnight cleaning shift 
at the time is accused of failing to report the breaches of company 
policy to her supervisor.  

Rebecca Bishop 20 and Justin Bartlett 21, were relatively long-time 
McDonalds employees. Rebecca had worked at the restaurant for 3 
years, 9 months and the Justin 2 years 6 months.  

But both are in the 20-21 year age range and are claiming that the 
sackings are out of proportion to the alleged offenses. Rebecca. the 
sacked overnight shift worker, is protesting that it is not only 
unreasonable but in fact un-Australian to expect employees to dob in 
their work-mates for minor offenses.  

The sacked workers further allege that the fast-food franchise 
breached the award in dismissing them without notice, and without 
even paying them up to the date they were sacked. Other unfair and 
exploitative practices inside the multi-national franchise chain, 
will also be brought to light by the case.  

The fast-food giant will be represented by legal counsel from the 
Tasmanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the employers 
representative body. The sacked workers who (unlike their former 
boss) were not members of a union, will be represented in the 
Industrial Commission by the father of one of the two.  

Further details contact:

Bill Bartlett
27 Emma St
Bracknell 7302

PH: 03 63973155 BH/AH

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