>From The Australian, at:

Rural welfare services to go private


UP to 100 private, community and State government agents will be licensed
to provide social security services in remote and rural areas under a plan
to expand Centrelink announced yesterday.

But the Opposition and public sector union slammed the arrangements as a
"Band-aid" reaction to 5000 job cuts across the agency and a breach of
commitments that Centrelink services would not be outsourced.

Community Services Minister Warren Truss said 74 new agents, and various
electronic information and videoconferencing facilities would be
established in far-flung regions as part of a Rural Outreach program. The
proposal will seek to combine offices with similar State government
outposts and existing community welfare groups as well as the new private

Mr Truss said the agents were selected rather than the contracts going to
tender because there were few individuals or groups capable of providing
the services.

He said private service providers would be subject to the same privacy
rules as public bodies.

Opposition family and community services spokesman Wayne Swan said the
improvement in services in some areas would not undo the Government's
decision to slash $154 million in funding and 5000 jobs from Centrelink

"This is just another example of the Howard Government's Orwellian use of
langauge and their refusal to acknowledge the consequences of their mean
money-pinching approach to community of services," he said.

Community and Public Sector Union division secretary Mark Gepp accused Mr
Truss of misleading parliament in November by stating the Government would
not outsource the work of Centrelink.

National Farmers Federation president Ian Donges, however, said the
initiatives would have a positive impact for country people.

"It will mean that more country people will have face to face contact when
they want to discuss services such as the age pensions, retirement
assistance to farmers and family payments," he said.

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