Forwarded by Irene Watson:

Ellie Gilbert wrote:

for broad circulation,

  Subject: lake eyre Going Home
  Date: Wednesday, 3 February 1999 8:13

  Arabunna Nulla Kari-Ku Wanga Assoc. Inc.,

OPEN INVITATION FOR Going Home camp: 26 March 1999 Lake 
Eyre is calling Arabunna People Home  

Arabunna People are calling on all other Black nations and other 
supporters to join in. Arabunna are Going Home for our 
responsibilities and obligations to stop the biggest threat to our 
Country - Western Mining's development of the Roxby Downs 
uranium mine at Olympic Dam andthe threat of the radioactive 
waste dumping by Primary Industries and Energy.  

Thismovement is about peace. Lake Eyre is callingpeople to make 
peace with the People and the Old Country  

Arabunna People are fighting for our land and our survival we've had 
enough we are going home we are inviting others to come and 
participate. The Old Lake is calling us back. It is hurting… It is 

The time is rightto move. We have decided on the 26 March 1999 
Come down. You are invited to attend this event on the shores of 
Lake Eyre  

Bring your swag, tucker on the Oodnadatta track on the shores of 
Lake Eyre Signs will be erected.  

Stop the use of uranium in wars stop the wars and make peace. 
The time is come. This is the start.  

Lake Eyre, with its waterways and Mound Springs and all the 
animals and plants that belong, is a very very special place. It 
catches all the ancient inlandrivers and creeks - many rivers from 
other Countries. The Old Lake calms them down like nursing a little 

Water is life. Water is more preciousthan gold. The Old Lake 
wasn't designed and constructed and created for the purposes that 
it is now being used for It's hurting and it's calling.. .  

If you feel strong in spirit to save the Old Lake then be there. We 
invite you to come with your strong spirit.  

Old Lake Eyre is talking… Old Lake Eyre is calling us Arabunna: 
"Come Home for Life. Begin a new and sweeter way - being free. 
Ease the pain. Become one again." The Old Lake has set this up 
from the start for this purpose to wake the people up to live for Life. 
The Old Lake has laid the trap set the bait wanted them to come: 
"Come and try me! You've tried the rest of the world, I'm waiting for 
you... Keep taking the water… Come on Western Mining Keep 
sucking, man Keep coming in and trying to breakme and see what 
happens. They don't know me. They are trying to break me by 
pulling my arms apart by pulling my legs apart? Can you rip your 
baby apart? Can you rip your grandmother apart? Can you pull your 
grandfather apart? They don't know me. Why try and inflict the pain 
on me and my People? Because I have the recipe for Life…" That's 
why the Old Lake set up the bait… to draw the people… to wake 
them up… The time has come to come and listen to make peace 
not war.  

The Old Lake is lonely sitting down himself calling for the kids and 
families: "No people, no kids. They've gone. Took 'em away."  

The Old Lake is too old… too old to be mucked around with. Too 

We are appealing to all different mobs to share andjoin our Coming 
Home - build a humpy, whittle a stick, make a spear, put one upto 
symbolise your own mob. Participate in this spiritual journey Old 
Lake Eyre is talking, calling…  

211 years ago Old Lake knew this mob were coming… 115 years 
ago they came to Lake Eyre. The Old Lake made these fellas 
come to work out the right way from thewrong way of living since 
the interference. This is why this change is needed - for the healing 
and the blessing. Say Sorry to the Old Country to the Old Lake. 
Bless it. Love it and keep on saying: Sorry and Sorry and Sorry 
and Sorry until it's done and our sovereignty is repected…  

Leave the lakes free Leave the rivers free Let the waters run free 
Leave the Mound Springs free Leave the airways fresh Let the 
babies and the people live free Live Life.  

We are calling on all governments local, State and Federal levels to 
fully support us in this event and to join in and be part of this 
peaceful movement to stop this unnatural destruction. Nobody and 
no Country deserves this harsh treatment. We deserve the good 
way, the peace way.  

The message simply is: Leave Old Lake Eyre and the waterways 
alone. No more destruction. That's the message: Leave it! The 
Country is too old to be mucked around.  

  Contact: Kevin Buzzacott,
 Arabunna Nulla Kari-Ku Wanga Assoc. Inc.,
  Powerstate Credit Union
  BSB: 805-001 A/cNo.11612921

  Ph: 0262737472 or 02 62950493

  Check Embassy website soon for maps
  Going Home camp
  Longitude:137degrees 10'
  Latitude: 29degrees 30'

  Western Mining Corporation is taking 15 million litres of water a day
 from Lake Eyre Basin and its underground waterways, free of charge. The
company will, at least, treble this massive unchecked water use to 42
million litres/day by the year 2000… for the largest uranium mine on

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