Bisexuals Given Message to LIE

One year away from the new millennium, in the age of HIV/AIDS and safer sex
campaigns, of anti gay violence education programs in schools, of openly
queer politicians in our parliaments and 30 years after Stonewall Riots that
spawned "gay liberation", Bisexual men and women are being given the message
to lie about their bisexual identity and to conceal their bisexuality.

This is not some new campaign strategy of the health professionals or some
plot of the religious right to hide them away from society. Gone are the
cries of "be out and proud" or "stand up and be counted". This message of
deceit comes from within the very heart of Sydney's most out and "in your
face" organisation, the Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Ltd. (SGLMG).

It is the 21st birthday of Mardi Gras and the theme of the 1999 Mardi Gras
Festival is Diversity. However the ongoing rejection of people who identify
as Bisexual from membership of the SGLMG, can only be viewed as a form of
sexual apartheid. In 1996, SGLMG members attending their AGM voted to only
grant people identifying as Homosexual, Gay, Lesbian or Transgender,
automatic membership. Those membership applicants who ticked the box for
Bisexual, Queer, Heterosexual or Other, faced, at the least, having to prove
their worthiness to be members, and, at the most, be rejected altogether.
This move was suppose to reduce homophobic violence and sexual harassment at
the Mardi Gras and Sleaze Ball parties, from those people who were attending
from outside the Gay and Lesbian Communities.

Since this decision came into force, the Australian Bisexual Network has
been contacted by Bisexual identified people who have been rejected from
membership of the SGLMG. They have been rejected even after submitting
evidence of their involvement in and commitment to the Gay, Lesbian,
Bisexual and Transgender Communities. Even when they have taken advantage of
the "Appeal Process" and appeared before the Board of Mardi Gras, their
application for membership has been rejected.

If this is not enough, there is more. The Australian Bisexual Network has
evidence of Bisexual members who joined before the 1996 policy change,
having their membership renewal rejected because they ticked the bisexual
box on the form. There is also evidence of Heterosexual women who have
ticked the "Lesbian" box and been given automatic membership, no questions
asked. One can assume this has also occurred where Straight men have ticked
the "Gay" box and been granted membership.

Most States and Territories have legislation that forbids discrimination on
the grounds of sexuality, sexual orientation or lawful sexual activity
(Western Australia being the exception, which has none). However in New
South Wales, Bisexuals and Heterosexuals are not covered by the existing
legislation which only covers Homosexuality and another Law that covers
Transgender people.

The Australian Bisexual Network is amazed that in 1999, an organisation that
was founded on a desire of a marginalised group in society (we were all gay
in 1978) to fight to achieve the most basic of Human Rights and equality,
now selects their membership solely on a tick in a box for particular sexual
identities and rejects those that do not conform to their ideal. Where is
the social justice in that? Where is the reward to those in the community
that have given of their own free time and out of their own pocket to help
and support the diverse members, groups and businesses of  what makes up the
Gay, Lesbian and Queer Communities in Australia?

The Australian Bisexual Network does not object to Mardi Gras' desire to
make the Parties safe from violence and harassment and to have a membership
policy that would help to achieve this. ABN has continually promoted the
Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Festival and Sleaze Ball and endeavoured
to work with bodies within the Queer Community.

ABN cannot remain silent and see an unjust policy grant memberships to
people who lie about their sexuality and who may have no involvement in the
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities except at Party time,
while those that are involved and are open and honest are rejected for no
other reason other than their honesty in identifying as Bisexual, Queer or

When more and more groups around the World are becoming more inclusive, we
have this situation in Sydney that advocates exclusion based on sexual
identity politics. The current Mardi Gras membership policy only gives the
message to people who identify as Bi, Queer or Straight, to lie on their
application form.

The Australian Bisexual Network welcomes debate on this issue and is happy
to enter into discussions to resolve this matter for the benefit of all
parties concerned.

For more information contact:           Wayne Roberts  0416-068 532

                        Bi Australian Made
                        For Quality That Lasts!
Australian Bisexual Network / Australian Bisexual Youth Alliance
PO Box 490, Lutwyche, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia 4030.
+61 7 3857 2500                 (07) 38572500
ICQ Number 16442611             National Biways Magazine
Host of the 7th International Conference on Bisexuality in 2002.

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