Leftlink subscribers may be interested in the following information:

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Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 12:06:40 +1000 (GMT+1000)
From: Interactive Presentations Pty Ltd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: One Nation AGM Agenda and dinner details

Saturday night pre-AGM dinner with Pauline Hanson (27th February 1999)


Location: Mandavilla Function Centre, 1777 the Horsley Drive, Horsley Park

Time: 7.30pm

Dress: Smart Casual 

Cost: $38 per head

Bookings and enquiries: Jo-anne May on 02.9977 1783 (Limited seating)

(Payment in advance ­ no credit cards accepted)

Bookings close: 23rd February 1999


Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Federal AGM Agenda Sunday 28th February 1999 at
Rooty Hill, RSL, NSW


Registration and proxy validification from 8.45am

9.50am Welcome by Jim Miller, President host state New South Wales

10am Opening address by Pauline Hanson

10.15am The evolution of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation by David Ettridge

10.30am Morning tea

10.50am The Federal Campaign and the future ­ David Oldfield

11.05am National Accounts/Electoral Commission Report ­ Ron Targett ­ One
Nation’s auditor

11.20am Report on Queensland Parliament. Bill Feldman MLA ­ QLD
Parliamentary leader

11.35am The New South Wales campaign ­ David Oldfield and Brian Burston, NSW
Campaign Manager

11.50am Submissions and Open Forum ­ 2 minutes limit for each speaker

12.40pm Lunch

1.40pm Senator Elect ­ Heather Hill

1.55pm The Federal Constitution ­ One Nation’s legal representative, Michael

2.10pm Panel: The Constitution ­ Your questions answered.

3.00pm Speakers for or against the adoption of the Constitution. 3 minutes
limit per speaker.

3.35pm Voting on the Federal Constitution

3.45pm Afternoon tea

4.05pm Election of eight member Constitution Committee (1 from each
state/territory). Nominated and seconded from floor. Nominees given one
minute each to speak. This committee will take members’ submissions on the
constitution for future changes or additions.

4.50pm National Executive stands down. Voting on National executive positions.

* National President

* National Executive Member 

* National Executive Member

* Additional National Executive Member 

* Additional National Executive Member

Candidate nominations and seconding for each position in turn will be taken
from the floor with nominees allowed 2 minutes each to speak.

5.45pm General business. National executive and panel available for
Questions and Answers. Two minutes question limit.

6.15pm Closing address: National President.

6.25pm Close

NOTE: All attending members must present themselves and any proxies at
registration to collect appropriate voting material


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