Friday 12 February 1999

A meeting in the Otways on Thursday attended by 50 conservationists and
local residents vowed to continue protest actions against clearfell logging
operations in the Otways State forest. The meeting resolved protests would
be as big and  regular as events such as “Rock above the Falls” and “Pub to
Pier” held every year in Lorne.

“The group decision came when it was discovered the Federal Member of
Corangamite Stewart McArthur suggest the Opposition members in Federal
Parliament should confront conservationists in the Otways with chainsaws.”
said spokes person for the Otway Ranges Environment Network (OREN), Simon

“Such a comment is said only to promote violence and terror against local
residents trying to protect Otway native forest. Many people who attend the
meeting yesterday had been threatened and terrorised by chainsaws during
the timber workers blockade of local residents and conservationists. ”

“The group is also disappointed with the official position of the Colac
Otway Shire which totally ignores the need for tourism development in the
Otway hinterland. In their official vision for the Otways printed in
Friday’s Colac Herald, the Shire focused on tourist development along the
Great Ocean road but the word hinterland does not appear once. We believe
there is a strong pro-clearfell lobby group within the shire that colludes
with the State Government to keep roads such as Binns road through the
Otway National Park in poor condition. Binns road is a major link road for
tourists to venture into the Otway hinterland.”

“If the shire is really pro tourism development in the Otway hinterland, we
challenge them to oppose the clearfell logging of a coupe scheduled next
year to occur adjacent the car park at Triplet falls. Triplet falls is in
the Otway hinterland and is one of the few remaining forest tourist
attractions. However next summer tourists will have to avoid log trucks and
put up with the sound of chainsaws and falling trees. The Triplet falls
area is also a National Site of Rainforest Significance. Scientific
research indicates clearfell logging close to rainforest may introduce
myrtle wilt that will kill off the cool temperate rainforest along the
Triplet Falls rainforest walk. Is the council aware that the Flora and
Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 deems it illegal any for human activity that
elevates myrtle wilt levels ? This human activity includes clearfell logging.”

“It is poor leadership in the local community and stupid comments from Ian
Smith to cut the dole for the few unemployed people who attend forest
protests, that force us once again to confront the timber workers. We will
endeavour to continue dialogue with the Otway Hardwood and Cartage
Association but the outlook is set for a massive escalation of non violent
direct action against the timber industry. The rumour within the timber
industry that clearfell logging in the Otways will soon end is correct.”

“Past intimidation by timber industry workers only fuels our resources and
support. OREN has a queue of barristers and solicitors wanting to help
prosecute timber workers who threatened, assaulted and held hostage
conservationists over the past few months.”

“Finally we wish to thank Jane Culvert for helping publicise the Otways
debate and making it a national issue. We hope the Forestry Division of the
CMFEU union elects Jane again so she can came back to the Otways next

O t w a y s   R a n g e s   E n v i r o n m e n t    N e t w o r k
An affilliation of Otway's residents, regional and Victorian
conservation groups, Community groups and campus conservation networks



DO NOT assume that any act of damage to logging equipment or logging
infrastructure is done by conservationists or members of anti - logging
groups. - Victorian Police (internal memo)


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