Solidarity with the Kurds!

The Democratic Socialist Party declares its solidarity with the Kurdish
people in their international protests for the release of Kurdish liberation
movement leader Adbullah Ocalan and their ongoing struggle for national

The Turkish government charges Abdullah Ocalan with "terrorism" but the real
terrorists are the Turkish government and their imperialist backers who have
waged decades of genocidal war against the Kurdish minority.

Deputy Prime Minister Tim Fischer's labelling of the the Kurdish protests as
"un-Australian" is a racist and hypocritical slur against one of the most
oppressed nationalities in the world.

How is it that the Australian government's support for repressive regimes
and aggressive wars is not called "un-Australian" but the desperate protests
of the victims of this repression and aggression is labelled

The Democratic Socialist Party calls upon all progressive people to join in
with the Kurdish community in their protests against Abdullah Ocalan's

Acting National Secretary Peter Boyle
Democratic Socialist Party
PO Box 515, Broadway NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Ph: +61 2 9690 1230 Fax: +61 2 9690 1381

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